The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (559701-559800)
- 52501. of the chilean
- 52505. staff member's net
- 52509. of health or
- 52513. substantive validity
- 52517. newspapers in
- 52521. of the inter-agency network on
- 52525. a middle east zone free of
- 52529. sector partners
- 52533. transnational corporations and related business enterprises
- 52537. general terms
- 52541. of the shariah
- 52545. of particular interest to the commission
- 52549. great importance to this
- 52553. importance and relevance
- 52557. goals and objectives of the programme of
- 52561. fundamental importance to
- 52565. importance of reconciliation
- 52569. importance of exchanging
- 52573. or financial assistance
- 52577. or submitted
- 52581. or international organization concerned
- 52585. or another by these
- 52589. or lead to
- 52593. or containing
- 52597. or become
- 52502. chileans
- 52506. maximum net
- 52510. health or the
- 52514. of health and social protection
- 52518. the iaea comprehensive
- 52522. committee website
- 52526. development partners operating in the
- 52530. private sector partners
- 52534. basic conditions of
- 52538. the general conditions of
- 52542. iss partner
- 52546. importance of guaranteeing
- 52550. importance of the further
- 52554. i congratulate the states that
- 52558. of our common objectives
- 52562. greater prominence
- 52566. importance of reconciliation of
- 52570. importance of defining
- 52574. or divorced
- 52578. or headquarters
- 52582. or barring
- 52586. of or at the direction
- 52590. or mutual
- 52594. or verification and
- 52598. or the evaluation
- 52503. traditional exports
- 52507. of sami
- 52511. public health of
- 52515. health and safety in
- 52519. young people in all
- 52523. approach website
- 52527. of local partners
- 52531. international corporations
- 52535. of the following conditions
- 52539. the conditions set out
- 52543. importance of providing the
- 52547. importance to the establishment by states parties
- 52551. importance and usefulness of
- 52555. or to release
- 52559. objectives and expected accomplishments on the
- 52563. importance of making appropriate use
- 52567. importance of science
- 52571. or disease
- 52575. or departure
- 52579. or international organizations that
- 52583. or human rights violations
- 52587. or the kyoto protocol
- 52591. nor adopt
- 52595. or intervention
- 52599. or the evaluation of
- 52504. non-oil exports
- 52508. morning to
- 52512. of public health and population
- 52516. health and quality of life
- 52520. the international network of
- 52524. a middle east zone free
- 52528. of the implementing partners
- 52532. pmscs and their personnel
- 52536. strict requirements
- 52540. the requirements set out in
- 52544. importance of facilitating the
- 52548. utmost importance to the
- 52552. importance and value of
- 52556. goals and principles of
- 52560. the most important part
- 52564. importance of sustainable development
- 52568. importance of fulfilling
- 52572. or illness attributable to service
- 52576. or contractors parties
- 52580. or an international organization that
- 52584. or capital punishment
- 52588. or through legal assistance
- 52592. nor adopt resolutions on them
- 52596. or distortions
- 52600. or have been