The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (875201-875300)
- 52001. when it is not
- 52005. protection component
- 52009. is an important element of
- 52013. ghezal
- 52017. money-laundering and promoting
- 52021. laundering of money or other assets
- 52025. gnacadja
- 52029. of guam to continue the negotiations
- 52033. guam and the united states
- 52037. gur
- 52041. absence of a party or
- 52045. not compulsory
- 52049. and local and international non-governmental
- 52053. non-diplomatic
- 52057. access of landlocked
- 52061. impracticable or
- 52065. not capable
- 52069. non-post objects
- 52073. non-self-governing territories to exercise their right
- 52077. non-smokers
- 52081. unconditional ceasefire and assist the
- 52085. unreasonable for
- 52089. other than land
- 52093. into the work of all
- 52097. in africa and south-east
- 52002. the executive direction and management component
- 52006. another key element
- 52010. grigoryan
- 52014. gaza strip through
- 52018. money-laundering and promoting judicial cooperation
- 52022. the laundering of assets
- 52026. guam to continue
- 52030. of guam to continue the negotiations on
- 52034. guam and the
- 52038. absence of the legal counsel
- 52042. absence of such a
- 52046. of nonstrategic
- 52050. and relevant nongovernmental
- 52054. 's informal
- 52058. involuntary or
- 52062. impracticable or impossible to
- 52066. not capable of
- 52070. non-post objects of
- 52074. non-self-governing territories to exercise their right to
- 52078. such unpaid
- 52082. the illicit trade in salw
- 52086. of unmet
- 52090. than the country
- 52094. in our work in accordance with
- 52098. in africa and south-east asia
- 52003. the regular budget component of
- 52007. the rule of law component
- 52011. grynspan
- 52015. gaza as a result
- 52019. money laundering and proceeds of crime
- 52023. the laundering of proceeds of corruption
- 52027. of guam to continue
- 52031. guam and to take
- 52035. gobi
- 52039. absence of some
- 52043. gyan chandra acharya
- 52047. non-anthropogenic
- 52051. and national non-governmental
- 52055. for signature by landlocked
- 52059. non-public
- 52063. impracticable or impossible to achieve
- 52067. inconceivable that
- 52071. non-recurrent and recurrent
- 52075. non-lawyers
- 52079. irresponsible and indiscriminate
- 52083. the illegal drug
- 52087. not in compliance
- 52091. than the country of
- 52095. in expert groups
- 52099. in africa and in the least
- 52004. is a crucial element of the system
- 52008. is an indispensable element
- 52012. iraq invaded
- 52016. its invasion
- 52020. money-laundering and other
- 52024. glenna cabello de
- 52028. of guam to continue the
- 52032. guam and to take all measures
- 52036. gudi
- 52040. the absence of a reply
- 52044. committee nevertheless
- 52048. and the non-governmental
- 52052. national and local non-governmental
- 52056. central asian landlocked
- 52060. than iraq
- 52064. that are unable
- 52068. non-cooperating
- 52072. non-self-governing territories to exercise
- 52076. are not likely to
- 52080. unconditional ceasefire and assist
- 52084. illegal cross-border
- 52088. nonmonetary
- 52092. other than a state or
- 52096. in sub-saharan africa in
- 52100. in best