The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (652201-652300)
- 145001. parameters that
- 145005. wider caribbean region of which the
- 145009. to lithuania
- 145013. to the set
- 145017. to the contribution of
- 145021. of the draft text contained
- 145025. to a discussion of
- 145029. the possibility of strengthening
- 145033. possibility of exercising
- 145037. to guyana
- 145041. the loss of forest cover
- 145045. to an error
- 145049. to their former homes
- 145053. to the embassy of pakistan in
- 145057. invited to inform the codification division
- 145061. to the ministry of social affairs
- 145065. to a national post
- 145069. to it at its fifty-third session
- 145073. possibility of establishing regional and subregional arrangements
- 145077. financing strategy
- 145081. the counter-terrorism strategy
- 145085. the yokohama strategy and plan
- 145089. consult a lawyer
- 145093. passive bribery of foreign public officials
- 145097. commit a serious crime
- 145002. action on draft proposals
- 145006. sea off shikka
- 145010. to the cop at its eighteenth session
- 145014. to the external auditor
- 145018. to the level of the
- 145022. of the draft text contained in
- 145026. to continue to cooperate with mongolia
- 145030. possible extension
- 145034. possible further
- 145038. to equatorial guinea in the field
- 145042. to new caledonia by delegations
- 145046. to examining
- 145050. to the president of the supreme court
- 145054. to the embassy of pakistan in washington
- 145058. to north-west
- 145062. to the ministers for foreign affairs of
- 145066. to other agencies
- 145070. to it at its sixty-seventh session
- 145074. émile
- 145078. a strategy to strengthen
- 145082. a broad strategy
- 145086. recovery of costs
- 145090. desirability of finding
- 145094. high number of women
- 145098. commit an offence as
- 145003. search for a solution to
- 145007. and from the sea and freedom
- 145011. to the security council and to
- 145015. to health care facilities
- 145019. to the draft articles on
- 145023. to the maldives
- 145027. to continue to inform the secretary-general
- 145031. possibility of financing
- 145035. to the need to ensure
- 145039. to indigenous groups
- 145043. both to the
- 145047. to examine ways to
- 145051. to the chair of the
- 145055. to its juridical authorities
- 145059. to the author on
- 145063. to the minister of defence
- 145067. to a specialized agency of
- 145071. under either
- 145075. norway is
- 145079. a strategy to implement
- 145083. of a national strategy on
- 145087. been guided by
- 145091. to host this
- 145095. the high unemployment rate
- 145099. of their offence
- 145004. wider caribbean region of which
- 145008. to the counter-terrorism committee established pursuant to
- 145012. to the council of representatives
- 145016. to a matter concerning
- 145020. to the draft resolution on
- 145024. to the representatives of states
- 145028. possibility of ratifying the international convention
- 145032. the possibility of bringing the
- 145036. of an armed group
- 145040. to individual states
- 145044. to the implementation committee a plan of
- 145048. to their home
- 145052. to the lifting
- 145056. to inform the codification division
- 145060. into a reality
- 145064. to posts if the
- 145068. him to report
- 145072. either as a result
- 145076. state strategy
- 145080. a transitional justice strategy
- 145084. a national human rights strategy
- 145088. be held in slavery
- 145092. an israeli drone
- 145096. commit acts of terrorism
- 145100. committed by that state