The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (752901-753000)
- 245701. women's rights to equality
- 245705. property and inheritance rights
- 245709. rights of all migrants workers and members
- 245713. just solution to
- 245717. resolve that
- 245721. workshops at the national level for the
- 245725. second panel
- 245729. of a panel discussion
- 245733. resolved before
- 245737. durable solutions to the problems of
- 245741. maintenance of order at its meetings
- 245745. a financial lease right
- 245749. of the right to self-defence
- 245753. the right to leave any
- 245757. the veto right
- 245761. the right of all persons to manifest
- 245765. an inalienable right to
- 245769. a sacred right
- 245773. government of the republic of yemen
- 245777. states government and
- 245781. my government has
- 245785. government of the kyrgyz republic
- 245789. the government of south sudan to
- 245793. the government of cambodia to continue to
- 245797. the government of mali in
- 245702. rights of adolescents to
- 245706. the citizens' rights
- 245710. the rights of all women
- 245714. purely military solution
- 245718. solve these problems
- 245722. the third workshop
- 245726. panellists for the fifty-eighth session
- 245730. a panel discussion at
- 245734. real solutions
- 245738. just solutions
- 245742. preservation and protection
- 245746. a retention-of-title right
- 245750. the right of men and women
- 245754. the right of palestinians to
- 245758. of the veto in
- 245762. the right of all countries
- 245766. right of everyone to have access
- 245770. of a right
- 245774. the government of iraq on
- 245778. united states government and
- 245782. the government of pitcairn
- 245786. government of the republic of mali
- 245790. government of the state of eritrea
- 245794. kinshasa government
- 245798. civil government
- 245703. rights of the displaced
- 245707. staff rights
- 245711. the rights of noncitizens
- 245715. a balanced solution
- 245719. of the workshops to
- 245723. the second international workshop
- 245727. a seminar on the role of
- 245731. expert panel discussion
- 245735. durable solutions to the problems
- 245739. individual active peacekeeping
- 245743. preservation and protection of
- 245747. right to express
- 245751. the right of reply to the remarks
- 245755. right of detainees
- 245759. the right to self-determination of
- 245763. right of the state of
- 245767. right of everyone to have access to
- 245771. right and the duty
- 245775. the government of iraq and the government
- 245779. the present united states administration
- 245783. the gibraltar government
- 245787. by the government of south
- 245791. the government of rwanda to continue
- 245795. the government of lebanon and other parties
- 245799. of the government of mauritius
- 245704. the rights of internally displaced persons
- 245708. human rights and income distribution
- 245712. durable political solution
- 245716. a final resolution
- 245720. future workshops
- 245724. workshop referred to in paragraph
- 245728. a high-level workshop
- 245732. a half-day panel discussion
- 245736. permanent solutions to the problems
- 245740. natural resources conservation
- 245744. the human right to peace
- 245748. right of the secured creditor to
- 245752. right of the iraqi people
- 245756. of the right of women
- 245760. established right of the republic of iraq
- 245764. right of victims of
- 245768. an independent right
- 245772. era of application
- 245776. the government of the united kingdom and
- 245780. the papua new guinea government
- 245784. government of the republic of poland
- 245788. of the south african government
- 245792. the government of guatemala and the urng
- 245796. the government of liberia on
- 245800. the government of myanmar to cooperate