Les mots et expressions anglais les plus fréquents dans les corpus arabes-anglais (116701-116800)
- 116701. support the draft resolution
- 116705. bemba
- 116709. interdependence of
- 116713. is accountable to
- 116717. into account the views of
- 116721. draft proposals under
- 116725. decision-making level
- 116729. with the government on
- 116733. and available resources
- 116737. and its optional protocols
- 116741. and sustainable human development
- 116745. biennial budget
- 116749. the balkan region
- 116753. are offered
- 116757. have limited
- 116761. the provisional institutions of self-government
- 116765. and export development
- 116769. and schedule of plenary meetings of
- 116773. in accordance with their obligations under
- 116777. the chairman drew
- 116781. advisory committee requests
- 116785. taking into account the fact that the
- 116789. the present bulletin
- 116793. this subprogramme is vested
- 116797. and youth organizations
- 116702. affect them
- 116706. its measures
- 116710. the general assembly takes note of
- 116714. situation centre
- 116718. the nonproliferation treaty
- 116722. consultations during the session
- 116726. while protecting
- 116730. and animal
- 116734. and international organizations or between international organizations
- 116738. and papua new guinea
- 116742. the council approved
- 116746. their places of
- 116750. from its territory
- 116754. the principles and rules
- 116758. radio station
- 116762. of the follow-up international conference on
- 116766. let united nations documents
- 116770. and ways of
- 116774. and e-mail address
- 116778. and drafting of
- 116782. and emphasizes
- 116786. working group recommended
- 116790. was to provide
- 116794. the working group transmitted the
- 116798. and the extent of
- 116703. information exchanges
- 116707. be subject
- 116711. stabilization and association
- 116715. a note verbale to all
- 116719. rates of unemployment
- 116723. regular consultations with
- 116727. with the peoples of
- 116731. and defend
- 116735. and eradicate the
- 116739. and facilitation
- 116743. approved by unprofor in accordance with
- 116747. prevent terrorists
- 116751. of the budget report
- 116755. initiatives of the
- 116759. the international standards on auditing
- 116763. into line
- 116767. united nations documents come to you
- 116771. the delegation of south
- 116775. which he put to the vote
- 116779. and conditions for
- 116783. the committee believes that
- 116787. on disarmament addressed to
- 116791. transfer of knowledge
- 116795. its agencies
- 116799. the annexes thereto
- 116704. among delegations
- 116708. justice measures
- 116712. police adviser
- 116716. times during
- 116720. drug abuse control
- 116724. draft resolution xv
- 116728. its content
- 116732. and policies on
- 116736. and electrical
- 116740. and social and economic development
- 116744. the field of employment
- 116748. officio
- 116752. of its kind in
- 116756. total staff
- 116760. diplomatic conference
- 116764. and programme implementation
- 116768. and schedule of plenary meetings
- 116772. delegations of france
- 116776. training unit
- 116780. was about
- 116784. and expresses the
- 116788. of the structure of
- 116792. and the doha declaration on financing for
- 116796. and coordinator of the
- 116800. and itc