The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (763901-764000)
- 256701. changes have occurred
- 256705. case of transboundary harm
- 256709. of a state of emergency on
- 256713. the condition of women
- 256717. case of violations of
- 256721. the human rights situation in states
- 256725. the event of loss or
- 256729. case of a dispute
- 256733. of states of emergency
- 256737. so that they are free of
- 256741. up to the time of
- 256745. a view to its holding
- 256749. to ensure the implementation of these principles
- 256753. of each of the rights enunciated
- 256757. every person to be free
- 256761. per volunteer
- 256765. for each vacancy
- 256769. goals in the context
- 256773. united nations and the proposed budgets
- 256777. the united nations and in disseminating messages
- 256781. the secretary-general may impose disciplinary measures on
- 256785. the secretary-general for afghanistan and head
- 256789. of the secretarygeneral of the united nations
- 256793. to rule of law activities
- 256797. national priorities and legislation
- 256702. the panel identified
- 256706. the state of necessity
- 256710. the status of the international covenants
- 256714. status of negotiations
- 256718. good condition that conforms to established standardization
- 256722. the human rights situation in states parties
- 256726. the case of kosovo
- 256730. hamid algabid
- 256734. until the second half
- 256738. even in cases where
- 256742. for use by the
- 256746. for consideration by the open-ended working group
- 256750. to ensure that they are sensitized to
- 256754. of each of the rights enunciated in
- 256758. of each people
- 256762. for every project
- 256766. of each citizen
- 256770. goals and in
- 256774. the united nations and the proposed budgets
- 256778. united nations and in disseminating messages on
- 256782. the secretary-general on the adoption of the
- 256786. the secretary-general for governance and
- 256790. the secretarygeneral for haiti
- 256794. for unpaid assessed contributions
- 256798. of the proposed unctad
- 256703. the situation of the roma
- 256707. the situation of the child
- 256711. the situation of palestinians
- 256715. of the status of documentation
- 256719. the situation of freedom of
- 256723. of the derogation
- 256727. status of prior years' projects
- 256731. pfos is
- 256735. until the second half of
- 256739. even in the event of
- 256743. for consideration by the commission on
- 256747. the adverse effects of climate change to
- 256751. for each meeting of the states
- 256755. each member state'
- 256759. each element of the
- 256763. per claim
- 256767. for each unit
- 256771. the united nations in maintaining peace
- 256775. united nations and in disseminating
- 256779. to mothers and children
- 256783. the secretary-general on harmony
- 256787. the secretary-general for governance and stabilization
- 256791. of the secretarygeneral for haiti
- 256795. goals and recommendations for
- 256799. for reporting of
- 256704. the case of china
- 256708. of the contingency
- 256712. the case of the international criminal court
- 256716. case of violations
- 256720. situation of human rights in uzbekistan
- 256724. status of contracts
- 256728. status of these
- 256732. the protector
- 256736. to its conclusion
- 256740. even in relation to
- 256744. view to its holding
- 256748. mechanism's
- 256752. for each meeting of the states parties
- 256756. everyone convicted of
- 256760. per refugee
- 256764. per teacher
- 256768. but notes that
- 256772. for the united nations in maintaining peace
- 256776. united nations and in disseminating messages
- 256780. the secretary-general may impose disciplinary measures
- 256784. the secretary-general on harmony with
- 256788. of the secretary-general for governance and stabilization
- 256792. the secretary-general and unami
- 256796. priorities and legislation
- 256800. global reporting and assessment of