The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (656901-657000)
- 149701. the government structure
- 149705. organizational restructuring
- 149709. in brackets was
- 149713. contained in the united nations declaration
- 149717. contained in chapter ii of
- 149721. women currently
- 149725. women and girls from sexual violence
- 149729. percentage of departments
- 149733. peaceful political activity
- 149737. the compromise text
- 149741. texts adopted
- 149745. scope and purpose
- 149749. of indebted developing
- 149753. the board's main findings
- 149757. outcome and recommendations of the
- 149761. success in the implementation of
- 149765. in appropriate
- 149769. conflict from
- 149773. integrity and compliance
- 149777. of women in detention
- 149781. resulting from transboundary movements
- 149785. fired at
- 149789. arising between
- 149793. arising from previous budgets of
- 149797. electronic single window
- 149702. industrial structure
- 149706. legal duty
- 149710. in brackets was proposed
- 149714. contained in the vienna convention
- 149718. contained in annex iv to
- 149722. female victims of violence
- 149726. women and girls from all
- 149730. percentage of resources
- 149734. joint activity
- 149738. the text proposed by the
- 149742. maturity in situ
- 149746. the system or
- 149750. developing and other countries in need
- 149754. adverse consequences of
- 149758. the findings and recommendations contained
- 149762. as outlined in article
- 149766. international appeals
- 149770. nations dispute
- 149774. integrity and to foster
- 149778. remote and mountainous
- 149782. resulting from transboundary movements of
- 149786. people on its territory
- 149790. arising from the uruguay round agreements
- 149794. arising from the laws of neutrality
- 149798. trade balance with
- 149703. military structure
- 149707. named complainant
- 149711. in brackets was proposed in
- 149715. contained in the table
- 149719. contained in the text
- 149723. women in national parliaments
- 149727. non-governmental women's
- 149731. main activity of
- 149735. activity from
- 149739. text contained in document
- 149743. general scope of
- 149747. the new statute
- 149751. core results
- 149755. results and performance
- 149759. mrf
- 149763. as reflected in annex
- 149767. storting
- 149771. of internal armed conflicts
- 149775. integrity and to foster a culture
- 149779. remote and isolated
- 149783. resulting from the destruction of
- 149787. people against
- 149791. arising out of the utilization
- 149795. arising from them
- 149799. trade balance with israel
- 149704. the field structure
- 149708. which is contained in the annex to
- 149712. in brackets was proposed in document
- 149716. contained in the study on human rights
- 149720. women appointed to
- 149724. ramallah women's
- 149728. actual ratio of
- 149732. political activism
- 149736. active debris
- 149740. texts referred to it
- 149744. possible scope
- 149748. the administrative rules of
- 149752. results achieved and measures and processes implemented
- 149756. of the findings and recommendations
- 149760. relative success of
- 149764. as reflected in legislative mandates
- 149768. the conflict between ethiopia and eritrea
- 149772. resolution of conflicts and in peacebuilding
- 149776. women who work
- 149780. world product
- 149784. resulting from defamation of religions
- 149788. large emerging
- 149792. arising out of contracts
- 149796. the english-speaking
- 149800. core budgets