The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (989301-989400)
- 166101. such as inflation
- 166105. killing of members
- 166109. has reported annual consumption for
- 166113. had authorized the
- 166117. had taken any steps
- 166121. had already adopted
- 166125. the capacity of countries to respond to
- 166129. capacity of member states to apply
- 166133. capacity of partners
- 166137. iraq's capacity
- 166141. capacity of cities to
- 166145. capacity of unhcr to
- 166149. ngo capacity
- 166153. ability of the unit
- 166157. capacity of states in
- 166161. ability of this
- 166165. 's capacity to
- 166169. its ability to meet
- 166173. its capacity with regard to
- 166177. submitted to the organizations concerned
- 166181. has increased since
- 166185. may delay
- 166189. they might be subjected
- 166193. he may wish to express on the
- 166197. it may be difficult to
- 166102. such as studies to be undertaken in
- 166106. of femicide in
- 166110. has greatly affected its capacity
- 166114. has provided the long-term vision
- 166118. has risen from
- 166122. the capacity of the developing countries
- 166126. capacity of countries to implement
- 166130. the capacity of member states to formulate
- 166134. the ability of firms
- 166138. capacity of the section to
- 166142. the capacity of cities to
- 166146. unops ability to
- 166150. of the organization's capacity
- 166154. the ability of the agency
- 166158. effective capacity
- 166162. capacity and efficiency
- 166166. his or her ability to
- 166170. their capacity to fulfil
- 166174. their capacity to protect themselves
- 166178. the contractor submitted
- 166182. have only been circulated
- 166186. might lead to a
- 166190. he may wish
- 166194. may further
- 166198. may be advisable to
- 166103. up combat
- 166107. killed and injured
- 166111. has been causing
- 166115. have also been pointed out
- 166119. have been used to meet
- 166123. capacity of developing countries to participate in
- 166127. the capability of governments
- 166131. capacity of states to fulfil
- 166135. the fund's capacity to
- 166139. capacity of the committee on
- 166143. women's capacity to participate in
- 166147. capacity of unodc to
- 166151. ability of staff
- 166155. the capacity of the countries of
- 166159. capacity of the united nations system for
- 166163. our capability to
- 166167. its ability to evaluate
- 166171. its capacity to coordinate
- 166175. the authors filed
- 166179. the basis of equality in
- 166183. has expressly consented
- 166187. could require
- 166191. he may wish to
- 166195. may take a few
- 166199. before loaning out to them resources belonging
- 166104. killing members
- 166108. been killed since
- 166112. had made considerable progress
- 166116. have expressed concern at
- 166120. had been fulfilled
- 166124. capacity of developing countries to implement
- 166128. the capacity of the afghan government
- 166132. capacity of the palestinian authority
- 166136. ability of many countries
- 166140. ability of human rights defenders
- 166144. the institute's capacity
- 166148. the ability of competent international organizations
- 166152. ability of women and girls
- 166156. capacity of the government of côte
- 166160. capacity of un-habitat
- 166164. our ability to work
- 166168. its capacity to respond to
- 166172. its capacity in that
- 166176. the complainants submitted
- 166180. an equal basis with men in the
- 166184. has expressly consented to
- 166188. may conflict
- 166192. he may wish to express on
- 166196. may take a few days
- 166200. before the closure of the list