The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (302701-302800)
- 302701. to the former yugoslav republic of
- 302705. to the current session
- 302709. to the individual components
- 302713. to the conference officers
- 302717. to be supported
- 302721. the primary data
- 302725. rehabilitation in
- 302729. heading was attributable to
- 302733. environment during
- 302737. appreciation that some
- 302741. actuarial valuation as
- 302745. integrative
- 302749. indefinite extension
- 302753. funding provided
- 302757. the report submitted by their government
- 302761. of the military coordination
- 302765. environmental technologies
- 302769. verification and control
- 302773. the measures taken to ensure
- 302777. appropriate measures to combat
- 302781. challenges arising
- 302785. the practical arrangements
- 302789. disaster mitigation
- 302793. movement and freedom to choose
- 302797. guidelines adopted by the committee
- 302702. to the former yugoslav republic of macedonia
- 302706. to the annual session
- 302710. to côte d'ivoire in
- 302714. to this instrument
- 302718. to the international labour conference
- 302722. space-based data
- 302726. international trade and financial
- 302730. by the following
- 302734. environmental and industrial
- 302738. global estimates
- 302742. periodic evaluation of
- 302746. economic cost
- 302750. financing or
- 302754. of racial discrimination and the convention
- 302758. consolidated report on the changes to the
- 302762. coordination between the department of public
- 302766. innovative technologies
- 302770. of inquiry on lebanon
- 302774. of the measures imposed by paragraphs
- 302778. national counter-terrorism measures
- 302782. new challenges and threats
- 302786. analysis is
- 302790. measures and recommendations agreed upon at
- 302794. the revision substantially
- 302798. above-mentioned guidelines
- 302703. to the government of indonesia
- 302707. possible establishment of the preparatory committee
- 302711. to the office of the ombudsman
- 302715. to it under
- 302719. to an average
- 302723. appropriate data
- 302727. homogeneity
- 302731. regular exchange of information
- 302735. comprehensive statistical data on operational activities
- 302739. revised estimates relating to the programme budget
- 302743. costs from
- 302747. human cost
- 302751. adequate funding for the
- 302755. of the sixth periodic report
- 302759. discrimination between men
- 302763. technology and applications
- 302767. climate change adaptation and mitigation
- 302771. investigate these
- 302775. appropriate measures to improve
- 302779. measures in the
- 302783. challenges and good practices
- 302787. military analysis
- 302791. measure is
- 302795. overall development of
- 302799. progressive harmonization and unification
- 302704. to the thirty-second session of
- 302708. to the list of sponsors of the
- 302712. to prevent the indiscriminate targeting
- 302716. accessibility for persons with disabilities
- 302720. to camps
- 302724. databases and resources
- 302728. of military recruitment
- 302732. rights education and
- 302736. progress in the peace process
- 302740. fourth and fifth periodic reports
- 302744. costs and risks
- 302748. of equitable geographic representation
- 302752. co-funding
- 302756. report prepared by the
- 302760. proportionality in
- 302764. technology and materials
- 302768. contingent-owned equipment verification
- 302772. effective measures relating
- 302776. appropriate measures to ensure that the
- 302780. the challenges associated with
- 302784. preparing for the
- 302788. of the analytical
- 302792. unhcr executive
- 302796. future directions
- 302800. progressive harmonization and unification of