The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (737201-737300)
- 230001. a vote was taken by
- 230005. has had a positive impact
- 230009. impact of training
- 230013. lasting effect
- 230017. during the performance
- 230021. during the conduct of
- 230025. during the interrogation of
- 230029. during the highlevel segment
- 230033. during the tenth session of
- 230037. their negative impact
- 230041. latest meeting
- 230045. of adam
- 230049. abram
- 230053. has the strongest impact
- 230057. inform you of my intention to
- 230061. the abu ghraib
- 230065. provided an
- 230069. a mechanism or mechanisms
- 230073. the mechanism for promoting implementation and compliance
- 230077. an effective mechanism of
- 230081. a cash-flow mechanism
- 230085. global financial mechanism
- 230089. an npm
- 230093. aba
- 230097. committee's views in
- 230002. conducted on
- 230006. had a positive impact on
- 230010. the impact of violence
- 230014. beneficial effect
- 230018. during or after
- 230022. during iraq's occupation of
- 230026. during peaceful protests
- 230030. during the interactive dialogue have
- 230034. during marriage shall
- 230038. is on the rise
- 230042. latest report of the
- 230046. heeded
- 230050. highlighted in the report of
- 230054. inform members that action on draft
- 230058. the sons of
- 230062. the budget sections
- 230066. honour to enclose the
- 230070. the technology mechanism and the financial mechanism
- 230074. inter-agency coordination mechanism
- 230078. a strong mechanism
- 230082. a temporary mechanism
- 230086. one or more independent mechanisms
- 230090. in buenos
- 230094. of the working group's views
- 230098. the views of civil society
- 230003. the statements are made available to it
- 230007. impact of trade
- 230011. the impact of corruption
- 230015. effect of such
- 230019. during the holding
- 230023. during iraq's occupation of kuwait
- 230027. during the investigation of
- 230031. during the interactive dialogue have been
- 230035. adverse effects on the
- 230039. taking into account such matters as
- 230043. latest revision
- 230047. views of governments on
- 230051. entered into a
- 230055. the committee informed the
- 230059. sons and daughters of
- 230063. abomey
- 230067. honour to enclose herewith the text of
- 230071. the payment mechanism
- 230075. an international mechanism for
- 230079. restructuring mechanism
- 230083. other financial mechanism
- 230087. an inter-agency mechanism of
- 230091. ayo
- 230095. views of the advisory committee
- 230099. the views of delegations
- 230004. been made available to you
- 230008. effect of a reservation on
- 230012. impact of international migration
- 230016. have impacted
- 230020. during the holding of
- 230024. during the interrogation
- 230028. during the voting
- 230032. an in-session
- 230036. effects of structural adjustment policies on the
- 230040. taking into account any observations
- 230044. last letter
- 230048. the views of the population
- 230052. was kept
- 230056. had reported consumption
- 230060. abu-hamed
- 230064. abidjan from
- 230068. honour to refer to your letter of
- 230072. the dispute settlement mechanism
- 230076. effective international mechanism
- 230080. a mechanism for coordinating
- 230084. a new financial mechanism
- 230088. an appropriate mechanism for
- 230092. i will perform my duties and exercise
- 230096. the committee's views under
- 230100. the opinions of all