The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (769001-769100)
- 261801. of financial resources and the transfer
- 261805. deadline for submission of draft resolutions under
- 261809. web site along
- 261813. signed by the staff member and by
- 261817. the legal position on
- 261821. distant water
- 261825. s water
- 261829. of the charter relating to
- 261833. of the charter relating to assistance to
- 261837. natural habitat
- 261841. standardized training materials
- 261845. of harmful substances and hazardous waste
- 261849. material available to
- 261853. of printed material
- 261857. feedstocks
- 261861. existing approaches
- 261865. basic approaches to security
- 261869. advancement of women and gender equality
- 261873. outputs listed
- 261877. first type of
- 261881. to consider effective methods
- 261885. consider the information contained in the
- 261889. consider the reports
- 261893. to consider all proposals
- 261897. consideration of the issue of bribery of
- 261802. post and non-post resources
- 261806. distinguished ambassador
- 261810. web site along with
- 261814. common african position on
- 261818. the legal position on this
- 261822. unrelated confined groundwaters
- 261826. water and to
- 261830. the charter relating to assistance
- 261834. of methamidophos in
- 261838. habitats of
- 261842. learning material
- 261846. legal material
- 261850. articles on criminalization
- 261854. materials submitted
- 261858. articles in the
- 261862. the sectoral approach
- 261866. the economic advancement of
- 261870. advancing the status
- 261874. the related outputs
- 261878. type of operation
- 261882. consider the relationship
- 261886. consider the information contained in this
- 261890. considering a report submitted by
- 261894. consideration of the role
- 261898. considered this
- 261803. the scheduled date
- 261807. the unfpa website
- 261811. web site along with the
- 261815. the general attitude
- 261819. position are limited
- 261823. of salt water
- 261827. constitutional charter
- 261831. of the charter relating to assistance
- 261835. local professionals
- 261839. global confrontation
- 261843. of technical material
- 261847. the chemicals proposed for listing
- 261851. articles on protection of
- 261855. declared nuclear material in
- 261859. its conclusion by
- 261863. approach proposed in
- 261867. of health promotion
- 261871. elected deputies
- 261875. outputs and inputs
- 261879. consider allowing
- 261883. consideration of questions
- 261887. consider a communication
- 261891. the consideration of its report
- 261895. consider removing
- 261899. consideration of this matter to
- 261804. the established deadline
- 261808. the court's website
- 261812. signed by the staff member and
- 261816. palestinian position
- 261820. born in the dominican republic
- 261824. national waters
- 261828. the charter relating to
- 261832. the charter relating to assistance to
- 261836. the abject and dehumanizing
- 261840. visual materials
- 261844. articles proposed by the
- 261848. of chemicals from
- 261852. of substances listed in table
- 261856. the articles in parts
- 261860. the results approach in
- 261864. approach is not
- 261868. advancement of women on the work of
- 261872. outputs related to
- 261876. latter type
- 261880. consideration of the complaint
- 261884. consider the following questions
- 261888. consider strengthening the
- 261892. consideration of the recommendations of
- 261896. consideration of the question of protection
- 261900. considered before