The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (809501-809600)
- 302301. with the united nations office for partnerships
- 302305. with ngo representatives
- 302309. policy data bank
- 302313. a vital interest
- 302317. the fate of disappeared persons
- 302321. plus transaction costs
- 302325. the content of this
- 302329. vienna international airport
- 302333. claims previously
- 302337. separate claims
- 302341. with the convention and other
- 302345. with investment
- 302349. with neighbouring countries to
- 302353. with specific focus on
- 302357. with the obligations of the
- 302361. with appreciation the efforts made by the
- 302365. with appreciation their important contribution
- 302369. with existing institutions
- 302373. with international principles
- 302377. with the advisory board
- 302381. with the buyer
- 302385. with the african institute
- 302389. with the special representative on
- 302393. with the chemicals proposed for listing
- 302397. with bodies concerned
- 302302. with the public prosecutor's office
- 302306. with representatives of the governments
- 302310. central bank of cyprus
- 302314. of a security interest
- 302318. fate and whereabouts of the persons concerned
- 302322. real added
- 302326. their substance
- 302330. kabul international airport
- 302334. similar claims
- 302338. required to submit
- 302342. with full respect for the principle
- 302346. with international legal obligations
- 302350. with countries hosting syrian refugees
- 302354. placing emphasis on
- 302358. complies with their obligations under
- 302362. with appreciation of the adoption
- 302366. while minimizing the
- 302370. with international and regional financial institutions
- 302374. with the personal envoy of
- 302378. with the advisory council for
- 302382. with multilateral development banks
- 302386. with unhcr and other
- 302390. with non-governmental organizations to
- 302394. with staff on
- 302398. with the legislature
- 302303. with the office of the special coordinator
- 302307. the caribbean development bank and
- 302311. current bank
- 302315. especially designed or prepared for
- 302319. fate of the disappeared person
- 302323. cocaine seized
- 302327. beirut airport
- 302331. demands from
- 302335. education grant claims returned
- 302339. with the priorities identified by the
- 302343. with satisfaction that the report
- 302347. with the permanent missions of
- 302351. with host countries and consistent
- 302355. with a focus on women
- 302359. with its commitment
- 302363. with appreciation of the interim report of
- 302367. with the following revisions
- 302371. with article vi
- 302375. with other areas of
- 302379. with the advisory council for human rights
- 302383. with the public interest
- 302387. with the special rapporteurs on
- 302391. with world vision international
- 302395. with the strategic approach to international
- 302399. with the highlevel delegation
- 302304. with representatives of the least developed countries
- 302308. bank of botswana
- 302312. the energy matrix
- 302316. classified according to
- 302320. the fate and whereabouts of the persons
- 302324. substance of the recommendations
- 302328. gaza international airport
- 302332. of the demands
- 302336. education grant claims returned to
- 302340. with the national priorities of
- 302344. with satisfaction that increasing
- 302348. with industrialized countries
- 302352. with regulation
- 302356. focusing on the role
- 302360. with particular emphasis on poverty
- 302364. with appreciation of the offer of
- 302368. with partner institutions
- 302372. with major donors
- 302376. with local communities and
- 302380. with regional centres
- 302384. with international standards and norms
- 302388. with relevant offices
- 302392. with the iom
- 302396. with other scientific subsidiary bodies
- 302400. with the highlevel delegation sent by the