The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (941001-941100)
- 117801. aimed at supporting the implementation of
- 117805. a serious and continuing threat to
- 117809. the smuggling of drugs
- 117813. concern to the non-self-governing territories
- 117817. marginalization of the poor
- 117821. tank instruction
- 117825. send a clear message
- 117829. special directions of
- 117833. wished to recommend
- 117837. torsella
- 117841. enhanced toronto
- 117845. to what is necessary
- 117849. mail distribution
- 117853. of the distribution of seats
- 117857. criminal offences under its domestic law
- 117861. particular crimes
- 117865. of an inventory of
- 117869. as an offence inspired by political motives
- 117873. war crime of pillaging
- 117877. a special segment
- 117881. is an inseparable part of
- 117885. was an important part
- 117889. a permanent part
- 117893. across liberia
- 117897. all detained persons
- 117802. aimed at expanding the development opportunities
- 117806. a constant threat to
- 117810. smuggling of narcotics
- 117814. of interest to the commission
- 117818. marginalization of some
- 117822. this decision guidance
- 117826. additional guidance to an operating entity
- 117830. will indicate a voluntary guideline of up
- 117834. switzerland would like to
- 117838. implication of
- 117842. toronto in
- 117846. limited to what is necessary
- 117850. distribution of men and women in
- 117854. distribution of grants
- 117858. crimes against persons and related extortion
- 117862. their offences
- 117866. physical inventory of
- 117870. the offence of kidnapping
- 117874. the crime of domestic violence
- 117878. of a large part of the
- 117882. part of the cost
- 117886. are an important part of
- 117890. around the world on
- 117894. throughout libya
- 117898. all food items
- 117803. aimed at disseminating
- 117807. a clear threat to
- 117811. smuggling of migrants and
- 117815. interest to the organization
- 117819. favour the conditions necessary
- 117823. redirect resources
- 117827. guidance for the
- 117831. orientation of the programme
- 117835. canada would like to
- 117839. of being involved
- 117843. supply of petroleum
- 117847. redeployments between
- 117851. the allocation of work
- 117855. distribution of functions
- 117859. of gender-related killing of women and girls
- 117863. jarrar
- 117867. were consolidated
- 117871. offence of rape
- 117875. a most serious crime
- 117879. a substantial portion of the
- 117883. part of the cost of
- 117887. a crucial part
- 117891. across the province
- 117895. all united nations departments
- 117899. all original parties
- 117804. a grave threat to the
- 117808. of death threats
- 117812. smuggling of migrants and trafficking
- 117816. formal charges
- 117820. favour the conditions necessary for strengthening
- 117824. staff orientation
- 117828. special directions
- 117832. necessary flexibility as
- 117836. reflect those activities in detail in
- 117840. the toronto
- 117844. distribution of votes
- 117848. redeployments between expenditure groups
- 117852. distribution of food aid
- 117856. offences under its criminal law
- 117860. various offences
- 117864. djerba
- 117868. as an offence inspired
- 117872. the crime of torture in
- 117876. a corruption offence
- 117880. are integral to
- 117884. part of un-women
- 117888. a mandatory part
- 117892. throughout pakistan
- 117896. all arab territories occupied by israel
- 117900. all ivorian parties and all