The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (274201-274300)
- 274201. of regional integration in
- 274205. appreciation of the reports of
- 274209. of discrimination against women and girls
- 274213. discrimination and promote
- 274217. racial discrimination to
- 274221. report by the president of
- 274225. of the sierra leone peacebuilding cooperation
- 274229. reports that the
- 274233. reports and publications
- 274237. committee's concluding comments
- 274241. of overcoming the
- 274245. gradual implementation
- 274249. revisions to the
- 274253. reaching a comprehensive settlement
- 274257. of the recommendations contained in the present
- 274261. of the human and financial
- 274265. mission and its mandate
- 274269. author or
- 274273. developing countries and their
- 274277. as to facilitate
- 274281. transmit to you herewith the text
- 274285. perform the functions described
- 274289. the committee took note of the information
- 274293. inform the committee that
- 274297. central asia to
- 274202. complementarities between
- 274206. and harmful traditional
- 274210. the sex discrimination
- 274214. discrimination and inequality
- 274218. second annual report
- 274222. of environmental change
- 274226. cooperation from the
- 274230. of the periodic reports
- 274234. progress made since the
- 274238. vocational and technical education
- 274242. established by the human rights council
- 274246. prompt implementation
- 274250. social development to
- 274254. palestinian national development
- 274258. recommendations had
- 274262. permanent mission of the libyan arab jamahiriya
- 274266. other and with
- 274270. author in the
- 274274. supplier countries
- 274278. support tools and methodologies
- 274282. for unity
- 274286. an indispensable tool
- 274290. of one delegation
- 274294. mechanisms and structures
- 274298. decision-making mechanisms
- 274203. estimate under this heading
- 274207. independent system-wide evaluation
- 274211. age discrimination
- 274215. proper coordination
- 274219. annual report on the technical review of
- 274223. the negotiation of the
- 274227. cooperation and the exchange
- 274231. the reports submitted by the
- 274235. the oral amendment
- 274239. education in the promotion
- 274243. country-level coordination
- 274247. concrete implementation
- 274251. of compatibility with
- 274255. of the above recommendations
- 274259. staffing of field missions
- 274263. permanent mission of malta
- 274267. economic survival of
- 274271. communication is admissible under
- 274275. developing countries to benefit
- 274279. the roles of the
- 274283. of opposition parties
- 274287. convicted by
- 274291. another of
- 274295. an effective mechanism for
- 274299. effect of armed conflict
- 274204. appreciation of the reports
- 274208. distinguish the
- 274212. discrimination on any
- 274216. approved funding
- 274220. the next progress report
- 274224. cooperation among themselves
- 274228. strategic thinking
- 274232. reports and additional information
- 274236. be strengthened
- 274240. an undertaking
- 274244. organizational and resumed organizational sessions
- 274248. implementation during
- 274252. enhanced distribution
- 274256. the recommendations contained in the study
- 274260. signature on
- 274264. mission and
- 274268. of plastic
- 274272. the current programme
- 274276. a view to implementing
- 274280. the terms of the draft resolution
- 274284. had failed to
- 274288. criminal justice agencies
- 274292. most fundamental
- 274296. a mechanism for monitoring
- 274300. impact of those