The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (306701-306800)
- 306701. for the international year of microcredit
- 306705. the fifth committee will appear
- 306709. military agreements
- 306713. united nations in global governance
- 306717. under comprehensive iaea safeguards
- 306721. of the open-ended working group of the
- 306725. for conferences
- 306729. on criminal accountability of united nations officials
- 306733. for monitoring and evaluation of
- 306737. for conservation of nature and natural resources
- 306741. to protect journalists
- 306745. anti-corruption authorities
- 306749. for peacekeeping operations on the
- 306753. employment guarantee
- 306757. law of treaties of
- 306761. for terms
- 306765. like many
- 306769. the arbitration clause
- 306773. chanet's
- 306777. an informal network
- 306781. of sierra leone on
- 306785. a common market
- 306789. better policies
- 306793. in an effort to prevent the
- 306797. ships of
- 306702. general assembly and organization
- 306706. of the right to the
- 306710. the annual coordination meeting
- 306714. to population activities
- 306718. a child's
- 306722. for the detection of
- 306726. democratic control
- 306730. to eliminate such
- 306734. of leaders of
- 306738. resolution of questions on
- 306742. in support of peace
- 306746. his relations
- 306750. for north africa
- 306754. to guarantee the protection
- 306758. for western asia on
- 306762. particular those in the region
- 306766. for ocean affairs and
- 306770. the most-favoured-nation clause
- 306774. communication networks
- 306778. an information network
- 306782. state party authorities
- 306786. of sumar
- 306790. of new policies
- 306794. different political
- 306798. urban populations
- 306703. general assembly and organization of
- 306707. for the international law seminar
- 306711. parties to the montreal protocol in
- 306715. for actions
- 306719. mother language
- 306723. for the international conference
- 306727. on criminal accountability
- 306731. labour statisticians
- 306735. for the freedom
- 306739. for the resolution of questions on
- 306743. to further strengthen the
- 306747. of his relations
- 306751. in their favour
- 306755. to requests of
- 306759. the purpose of explaining
- 306763. have encouraged
- 306767. partnership with civil society
- 306771. the bill of
- 306775. of information networks
- 306779. the context of the return
- 306783. monegasque authorities
- 306787. rule of international law
- 306791. sri lanka is
- 306795. the context of the allegations
- 306799. the population of the state
- 306704. all by
- 306708. of the russian federation and the
- 306712. individuals who are not nationals of the
- 306716. greek cypriot administration in south
- 306720. for the period beginning
- 306724. of the conference and the meetings of
- 306728. on criminal accountability of
- 306732. of the president of the russian federation
- 306736. for the support account for the period
- 306740. the resolution of questions on implementation
- 306744. to close the gap
- 306748. the peacekeeping operations
- 306752. of human health and safety
- 306756. for non-proliferation
- 306760. for the purpose of explaining
- 306764. a person to another state
- 306768. are explained
- 306772. the subprogramme will focus on
- 306776. collaborative networks
- 306780. he would be subjected
- 306784. labour market and in
- 306788. you to intervene
- 306792. the confidentiality of any information
- 306796. our embassy
- 306800. safety and well-being of all