The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (783901-784000)
- 276701. the efficiency of organizational services
- 276705. and to ensure the rule of law
- 276709. as announced by the president
- 276713. as i mentioned in
- 276717. of colombia and
- 276721. in particular small arms and light weapons
- 276725. in particular on impact indicators relating
- 276729. in particular at school
- 276733. temporary appointment shall not be converted
- 276737. and for improving the
- 276741. the commission to enhance
- 276745. and its subcommission on
- 276749. in considering this
- 276753. the committee therefore considers that
- 276757. the external audit observed
- 276761. cerd noted with concern
- 276765. the fsm
- 276769. fund's mandate
- 276773. the terms of the ad litem judges
- 276777. the mandate of the office of the
- 276781. as a step in enhancing
- 276785. as well as discrimination
- 276789. as well as participation in
- 276793. as well as employment for
- 276797. canada border services agency
- 276702. and to ensure the full enjoyment
- 276706. the larger the duration
- 276710. as announced by the president of
- 276714. as will be seen
- 276718. and kompong
- 276722. in particular the goals
- 276726. particularly for women
- 276730. in particular in terms of
- 276734. shall not be a
- 276738. to attain those goals
- 276742. and its advisory committee
- 276746. and to the government and people
- 276750. canada maintains
- 276754. and does not provide
- 276758. indonesia noted
- 276762. hrw noted that
- 276766. the mandate of the ombudsman
- 276770. the unfpa mandate
- 276774. the mandate of the commission until
- 276778. united wa state
- 276782. as a step in enhancing peace
- 276786. as well as civil and political rights
- 276790. as well as consideration of
- 276794. as well as the progress made towards
- 276798. anti-corruption agency
- 276703. and to ensure the rule
- 276707. as i indicated in
- 276711. as announced by the president of the
- 276715. as can be seen in
- 276719. in particular the united nations convention
- 276723. in particular the international covenant on civil
- 276727. notably within the framework of
- 276731. is necessary and
- 276735. in order to avoid delay or
- 276739. and the commission of truth
- 276743. its committee of the whole and
- 276747. and to the government and people of
- 276751. is therefore of the view
- 276755. the board noted that unops
- 276759. senegal noted
- 276763. other delegations noted
- 276767. unrwa's mandate
- 276771. the mandate of the african union-united
- 276775. mandate of the united nations integrated mission
- 276779. and senior officials from
- 276783. as well as any state
- 276787. as well as experts
- 276791. as well as capacity-building programmes
- 276795. as well as with the private sector
- 276799. a single agency
- 276704. and to ensure the rule of
- 276708. as pointed out in
- 276712. as i have mentioned
- 276716. and canada in
- 276720. in particular small arms and
- 276724. especially information
- 276728. particularly in areas of
- 276732. appointment shall not be converted
- 276736. and for identifying
- 276740. its chemicals technical options committee
- 276744. and its sub-commission
- 276748. ould ely
- 276752. the committee therefore concludes
- 276756. some speakers noted
- 276760. the sbi noted that
- 276764. further mandates
- 276768. the mandate of the national assembly
- 276772. mandate of the working group on the
- 276776. eastern equatoria state
- 276780. as part of this project
- 276784. as well as research
- 276788. as well as by the chairman
- 276792. as well as a chairman
- 276796. the development agency
- 276800. the purpose was