The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (942401-942500)
- 119201. is being made
- 119205. which are disposed of or
- 119209. is assessed
- 119213. is also addressed through
- 119217. the staff member may
- 119221. invite the rapporteur of
- 119225. claims to be the victim of a
- 119229. the authors submit that
- 119233. the bureau records
- 119237. is inextricably linked to
- 119241. limited their
- 119245. may be suffered as a result
- 119249. determine the appropriate rate of exchange
- 119253. to be determined by drawing of lots
- 119257. is attending
- 119261. impermissible under international law
- 119265. that is entitled to become
- 119269. governing outer space
- 119273. by courier or
- 119277. please select the year
- 119281. please describe any structures or
- 119285. please specify and elaborate
- 119289. please provide this
- 119293. respondents are requested to
- 119297. welcomes the various
- 119202. careful planning will be undertaken to ensure
- 119206. is being updated
- 119210. are evaluated
- 119214. currently under development
- 119218. who is supported by
- 119222. invite it
- 119226. source contends
- 119230. a check is made
- 119234. administer the
- 119238. is inextricably linked to equality between
- 119242. been no violation of
- 119246. may be suffered as a result of
- 119250. be specified by
- 119254. at the instigation of or
- 119258. attend and
- 119262. state is entitled
- 119266. shall be entitled to make
- 119270. replace any
- 119274. preclude the entry into force of
- 119278. please indicate the measures taken
- 119282. please outline the
- 119286. please provide information regarding
- 119290. please complete the
- 119294. welcomes the focus
- 119298. which is set out
- 119203. which are disposed
- 119207. is regularly updated
- 119211. be taken up
- 119215. makes one
- 119219. invites parties to submit
- 119223. that is alleged to
- 119227. author contends
- 119231. deliver their statements at
- 119235. would be chaired by
- 119239. other connected issues
- 119243. be suffered as a result
- 119247. suffered as a result of importing
- 119251. be determined by drawing
- 119255. calculated at
- 119259. prohibited discrimination on
- 119263. that is entitled to
- 119267. shall be entitled to make proposals
- 119271. of foreign nationality
- 119275. informs the
- 119279. please briefly outline steps taken
- 119283. please provide the ctc
- 119287. please provide information on the situation of
- 119291. members of delegations should
- 119295. welcomes the focus on
- 119299. which is set out in
- 119204. which are disposed of
- 119208. information in that regard be provided in
- 119212. is also addressed
- 119216. made it necessary to
- 119220. invite the rapporteur
- 119224. who claims to
- 119228. author claims that the state
- 119232. make one
- 119236. frequented by
- 119240. that have been perpetrated
- 119244. be suffered as a result of
- 119248. the notification specifies a later date
- 119252. to be determined by drawing
- 119256. who attends
- 119260. impermissible under
- 119264. is entitled to become
- 119268. governing the contract
- 119272. person is a national or
- 119276. who commits a crime
- 119280. please indicate the legislative
- 119284. please provide more information on
- 119288. please provide information on the results
- 119292. members of delegations should make
- 119296. welcoming the cooperation of
- 119300. which is set out in paragraph