The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (944001-944100)
- 120801. place is a
- 120805. file is
- 120809. the cabaret
- 120813. only home
- 120817. homeschooling
- 120821. death with
- 120825. wide world
- 120829. your hurry
- 120833. the sticks
- 120837. agent jareau
- 120841. come back tomorrow
- 120845. our mystery
- 120849. room with you
- 120853. forbidden city
- 120857. times have
- 120861. the martians
- 120865. the future where
- 120869. the accelerator
- 120873. drinks are
- 120877. stooges
- 120881. play on
- 120885. amygdala
- 120889. the water and
- 120893. the galaxies
- 120897. detective bosch
- 120802. the cubes
- 120806. king philip
- 120810. fatales
- 120814. whole house
- 120818. terrorist facilities
- 120822. the mona lisa
- 120826. whole wide world
- 120830. jogger
- 120834. temporal bone
- 120838. violence in movies and sex
- 120842. go back inside
- 120846. gringos
- 120850. room with me
- 120854. lost city
- 120858. the first time he
- 120862. more people are
- 120866. the bog
- 120870. old feelings
- 120874. drinks with
- 120878. the stewardess
- 120882. god help us
- 120886. night together
- 120890. watermark
- 120894. sinkhole
- 120898. the creatures that
- 120803. the lingerie
- 120807. the king and queen
- 120811. old houses
- 120815. entire house
- 120819. chain saw
- 120823. the metas
- 120827. the world will be
- 120831. groomsmen
- 120835. work on that
- 120839. go back to that
- 120843. go back and
- 120847. the wrong room
- 120851. black badger
- 120855. town was
- 120859. next time we
- 120863. help is on the way
- 120867. fucking gun
- 120871. the torches
- 120875. the trouble with
- 120879. the asking
- 120883. god sees
- 120887. lilac
- 120891. watercolors
- 120895. lawyering
- 120899. the campsite
- 120804. salt and
- 120808. queen mary
- 120812. open house
- 120816. house after
- 120820. enforcer
- 120824. the blizzard
- 120828. the bitches
- 120832. dinner before
- 120836. working in a
- 120840. back now
- 120844. free clinic
- 120848. the room with
- 120852. the cfo
- 120856. city with
- 120860. the other patients
- 120864. the hospital when
- 120868. the gun was
- 120872. the superintendent
- 120876. masri
- 120880. the final battle
- 120884. my lords
- 120888. confessors
- 120892. talker
- 120896. station is
- 120900. the great thing