The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (131801-131900)
- 131801. and a review
- 131805. enters into force
- 131809. it consists of a permanent collection of
- 131813. the delegation of indonesia
- 131817. delegation of malaysia
- 131821. post of deputy
- 131825. and programme performance report
- 131829. are intended
- 131833. and development finance
- 131837. of complementary standards
- 131841. a four-year term of office beginning on
- 131845. consultations with representatives
- 131849. with the democratic republic of the congo
- 131853. with the subcommittee
- 131857. unido headquarters
- 131861. pickle
- 131865. to the lab
- 131869. giving you
- 131873. i am just
- 131877. killed the
- 131881. so i went
- 131885. keaton
- 131889. you want some
- 131893. come on in
- 131897. that for me
- 131802. and to take the
- 131806. and follow-up to the outcomes of the
- 131810. and in this context
- 131814. the delegation of algeria
- 131818. and western asia
- 131822. ministers of justice
- 131826. and its amendments
- 131830. a separate document
- 131834. address those
- 131838. representatives of mexico
- 131842. of memorandums of understanding
- 131846. its consultations with
- 131850. with the gravity of
- 131854. service provider
- 131858. assisting developing countries to
- 131862. they won't
- 131866. into that
- 131870. to believe me
- 131874. i thought it
- 131878. in the night
- 131882. not leaving
- 131886. all those years
- 131890. check the
- 131894. almost there
- 131898. i saw them
- 131803. government agency
- 131807. the president may limit the time
- 131811. and in the international covenant
- 131815. the delegation of the republic of
- 131819. and on the implementation of the
- 131823. present working paper
- 131827. and the government of the sudan
- 131831. and all stakeholders
- 131835. treaty of pelindaba
- 131839. exercise these
- 131843. its note verbale
- 131847. of renewable sources of energy
- 131851. with the high representative for
- 131855. fight against extreme poverty
- 131859. an important issue
- 131863. parsa
- 131867. best man
- 131871. you're the one
- 131875. can't wait
- 131879. me luck
- 131883. you the truth
- 131887. watch this
- 131891. under the bed
- 131895. treat me
- 131899. ryuzaki
- 131804. the committee also decided
- 131808. we continue
- 131812. in accordance with international humanitarian law
- 131816. the delegation of south africa
- 131820. which he put to
- 131824. chile and
- 131828. and good-neighbourliness
- 131832. the documents of the conference
- 131836. the treaty of waitangi
- 131840. the representatives of its members
- 131844. a draft programme of
- 131848. the debt problem
- 131852. with the lebanese armed forces
- 131856. binuca
- 131860. jupiter
- 131864. blur
- 131868. left-handed
- 131872. you and your
- 131876. no thanks
- 131880. i have all
- 131884. i didn't tell
- 131888. cube
- 131892. you drink
- 131896. dumbledore
- 131900. let me tell