The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (367501-367600)
- 367501. that do not recognize
- 367505. that have succeeded in
- 367509. of the heavy
- 367513. the attached third
- 367517. new secondary
- 367521. deprivation of liberty in
- 367525. of the embargo on
- 367529. possible cases
- 367533. the tragic situation
- 367537. possible effort to meet
- 367541. occupied syrian arab golan
- 367545. of efforts to improve
- 367549. the need to protect the
- 367553. lebanese-syrian border
- 367557. defend the rights
- 367561. key lessons learned
- 367565. operational support to
- 367569. financial and technical support to
- 367573. the committee's second session
- 367577. resumed sixth session
- 367581. joint session
- 367585. state or government at
- 367589. of mass destruction in the region
- 367593. regular sessions of the committee
- 367597. the fiftyninth session of
- 367502. where there is no
- 367506. culture and traditions
- 367510. that should be included
- 367514. iii and iv of the report
- 367518. designated by the council
- 367522. personal freedoms
- 367526. immunity from criminal jurisdiction
- 367530. the security situation in darfur
- 367534. the current financial situation of the
- 367538. institutional aspects of
- 367542. airspace of the republic of cyprus
- 367546. global efforts for the elimination
- 367550. the need to ensure that
- 367554. global movement for
- 367558. of burial
- 367562. human shields
- 367566. valuable support
- 367570. professional support
- 367574. the sixty-second session of the commission on
- 367578. of the annual session of
- 367582. initial periodic
- 367586. states parties to implement
- 367590. complementary role
- 367594. forthcoming sessions
- 367598. international conventions and protocols related to counter-terrorism
- 367503. which it is not yet a party
- 367507. culture and the arts
- 367511. iii recommended by the third committee in
- 367515. thirty-third and thirty-fourth
- 367519. that took part in
- 367523. of public freedoms
- 367527. of quota
- 367531. the current situation and
- 367535. of the situation in the
- 367539. the financial aspects of
- 367543. the ipcc good
- 367547. efforts under
- 367551. the increasing need of
- 367555. support to non-state actors that
- 367559. member states and regional economic communities to
- 367563. kuwaiti constitution
- 367567. of the logistics support
- 367571. the third session of the commission on
- 367575. thirty-fifth session of the general assembly
- 367579. annual cycle of meetings of
- 367583. of patrols
- 367587. states parties to withdraw
- 367591. past three sessions
- 367595. twenty-second special session
- 367599. the international convention on the rights
- 367504. that have not yet attained self-government or
- 367508. trust between the communities
- 367512. iii recommended by the commission
- 367516. thirty-eighth and thirty-ninth
- 367520. that requested
- 367524. proliferation-sensitive
- 367528. threat reduction
- 367532. situation prevailing
- 367536. the situation in south sudan
- 367540. hunger and extreme poverty
- 367544. the abandoned army
- 367548. the executioner
- 367552. international borders of
- 367556. ethiopian national defence
- 367560. states seeking
- 367564. the constitution is
- 367568. institutional support to
- 367572. third session of the preparatory committee for
- 367576. of the thirty-seventh session of
- 367580. fiftieth regular session
- 367584. the states or
- 367588. states parties and states not parties to
- 367592. of the annual sessions
- 367596. the thirty-ninth session of the commission
- 367600. the international convention on the rights of