The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (841001-841100)
- 17801. are pregnant or
- 17805. african statistical yearbook
- 17809. life in human settlements
- 17813. of living and non-living
- 17817. preventing the continuation of
- 17821. a week for
- 17825. substitute family
- 17829. regret that the sides
- 17833. of the earth from
- 17837. of life and livelihood
- 17841. the global crisis on
- 17845. the annual base
- 17849. statute to indicate
- 17853. parties to promote the
- 17857. the parties to the basel convention on
- 17861. the parties to the multilateral environmental conventions
- 17865. parties in implementing the
- 17869. parties a list
- 17873. parties and other stakeholders to
- 17877. parties and ends at the end of
- 17881. child victims or
- 17885. at-risk children
- 17889. nuclear weapons and of
- 17893. cross-border arms
- 17897. names indicating the panel
- 17802. of responsive and accountable public governance
- 17806. peaceful life
- 17810. of life and at all
- 17814. the fiscal space
- 17818. external or internal
- 17822. disadvantaged households
- 17826. rationales
- 17830. conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies
- 17834. land and population
- 17838. the humanitarian crisis in gaza
- 17842. of the global crisis on
- 17846. administrative tribunal statute
- 17850. same basic
- 17854. parties at examination
- 17858. the parties to the rotterdam convention
- 17862. parties to the convention to take
- 17866. parties and signatories to treaties that
- 17870. parties are asked
- 17874. parties and observers to provide
- 17878. parties at the time of
- 17882. of children without parental care
- 17886. non-strategic nuclear weapons in
- 17890. of nuclear weapons and of
- 17894. arms and dual-use goods and technologies
- 17898. local and regional markets
- 17803. responsive and accountable public governance in
- 17807. of school life
- 17811. impartiality and independence
- 17815. al heysah
- 17819. adverse external
- 17823. lowincome families
- 17827. surfaces that come in
- 17831. of small arms within
- 17835. main staff
- 17839. of the current economic and financial crisis
- 17843. the tripartite core
- 17847. statute of iaea
- 17851. parties on the concluding observations
- 17855. parties to the geneva conventions that
- 17859. parties to the basel and stockholm conventions
- 17863. the parties to the kyoto protocol in
- 17867. parties and signatories to treaties that establish
- 17871. parties are asked to
- 17875. parties and relevant organizations to
- 17879. children who received
- 17883. demobilized child
- 17887. for nuclear weapons in security policies so
- 17891. nuclear weapons constitutes
- 17895. geographical names as
- 17899. persons who work
- 17804. the african governance
- 17808. life within
- 17812. illegal possession
- 17816. preventing the continuation
- 17820. asbestos or
- 17824. the family has the primary responsibility for
- 17828. surfaces that come in direct
- 17832. unspent balances from
- 17836. general staff of the armed forces
- 17840. global economic and financial crisis on
- 17844. new organic
- 17848. staff regulations for the registry
- 17852. parties to enhance
- 17856. the parties of the stockholm convention on
- 17860. parties to the multilateral environmental conventions
- 17864. parties to the montreal amendment
- 17868. parties to the nonproliferation treaty
- 17872. parties are required
- 17876. parties and ends at the end
- 17880. children alleged to have
- 17884. children infected by
- 17888. nuclear weapons will not
- 17892. nuclear weapons poses a threat to
- 17896. personal names
- 17900. of persons affected by