The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (132701-132800)
- 132701. report prepared by
- 132705. oral report on
- 132709. composition of the staff of the
- 132713. its report contained in
- 132717. the interpretation or
- 132721. name of honour
- 132725. in cooperation with states
- 132729. equality and the empowerment
- 132733. remaining tasks
- 132737. geographical scope
- 132741. cultural attitudes
- 132745. net decrease
- 132749. supp
- 132753. joint mediation
- 132757. business information
- 132761. to the editor
- 132765. of the lebanese armed
- 132769. of civilian private
- 132773. the following questions
- 132777. direct negotiations between
- 132781. scholarly lectures
- 132785. including the appointment of
- 132789. concerning cooperation
- 132793. the outreach programme
- 132797. under the optional protocol to the convention
- 132702. fourth assessment report
- 132706. women empowerment
- 132710. its composition
- 132714. its report in
- 132718. explanations or
- 132722. food insecure
- 132726. in cooperation with the international community
- 132730. eras
- 132734. the desired results
- 132738. iraqi regime
- 132742. of resources by component
- 132746. structures of the
- 132750. the high representative for the
- 132754. necessary documentation
- 132758. information made available
- 132762. ombudsman in
- 132766. riparian
- 132770. the consultative status
- 132774. on peace-keeping operations
- 132778. and the proposed
- 132782. the basic domestic
- 132786. regarding the headquarters of the
- 132790. as to race
- 132794. monitoring programme
- 132798. under staff rule
- 132703. global monitoring report
- 132707. of that paragraph
- 132711. requests states
- 132715. a complementary
- 132719. communications on
- 132723. to the millennium development
- 132727. global food security crisis
- 132731. of electrical and electronic products
- 132735. final results of
- 132739. of the legal system
- 132743. research materials
- 132747. nuba mountains
- 132751. ministries and institutions
- 132755. special post
- 132759. recognized in the convention
- 132763. accompanied
- 132767. technical advice to
- 132771. law research
- 132775. submitted by governments
- 132779. of the supreme court of
- 132783. ratification by the state party of
- 132787. on the role and mandate
- 132791. mp
- 132795. programme of work and timetable
- 132799. an environmentally sound manner
- 132704. report of the committee on economic
- 132708. has been implemented
- 132712. its general report on
- 132716. its reports to
- 132720. to the administration of
- 132724. in consultation with the members of
- 132728. french-language
- 132732. stimulants and
- 132736. full texts of all
- 132740. of comparative
- 132744. objective of this
- 132748. of pollutants
- 132752. of ministers on
- 132756. international treaties to which
- 132760. late-claims
- 132764. participate in the cultural life of
- 132768. of sickness
- 132772. equality and mutual respect
- 132776. morocco on behalf
- 132780. competent court
- 132784. country to
- 132788. on multilingualism
- 132792. montreal protocol on
- 132796. of their responsibilities
- 132800. united nations mission in côte