The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (206101-206200)
- 206101. among the budgets
- 206105. in conformity with this
- 206109. including the indigenous populations
- 206113. should be replaced with
- 206117. for the purpose of considering
- 206121. a number not
- 206125. lusaka protocol
- 206129. programme for change
- 206133. including support to
- 206137. cases interpreting
- 206141. the oecd countries
- 206145. the beginning of the biennium
- 206149. in his capacity as rapporteur
- 206153. as to how
- 206157. on the role of lawyers
- 206161. assess the implementation
- 206165. immunization coverage
- 206169. correspond to
- 206173. the application of these
- 206177. formulated by a state or
- 206181. regulation and coordination
- 206185. sanctions implementation
- 206189. cooperation of the state
- 206193. strengthen cooperation in
- 206197. the report of the government
- 206102. buenos aires in
- 206106. in conformity with this obligation
- 206110. in millions of
- 206114. certain problems
- 206118. after the withdrawal
- 206122. a number not exceeding
- 206126. monitored the
- 206130. enjoy the support
- 206134. the countries of the region in
- 206138. cases interpreting the uncitral model law on
- 206142. all governments to cooperate with
- 206146. a positive role in
- 206150. in his capacity as rapporteur of
- 206154. on harmonization
- 206158. a clear division of labour
- 206162. costs of the secretariat of
- 206166. fundamental change
- 206170. chernobyl nuclear
- 206174. requests the department of public information to
- 206178. constitutes incitement
- 206182. implementing the provisions of this resolution
- 206186. coordination and integration of statistical programmes
- 206190. mobilize domestic resources
- 206194. promoting reconciliation
- 206198. report on implementation
- 206103. indicate whether the state party has
- 206107. under the provisions of general assembly resolution
- 206111. in such a way that
- 206115. some differences
- 206119. after the expiry
- 206123. on action against trafficking in
- 206127. on the grounds of marriage
- 206131. strengthening and enhancing the
- 206135. countries with economies in
- 206139. including drug trafficking
- 206143. with the signing of
- 206147. on methodologies
- 206151. in their capacity as
- 206155. on organizing
- 206159. self-sustainment costs
- 206163. founded on
- 206167. strengthen the office of
- 206171. construction of a wall
- 206175. requests the special rapporteur to submit
- 206179. constitutes incitement to
- 206183. implementation for sustainable forest management
- 206187. amendments or
- 206191. enhancing international cooperation towards
- 206195. strengthening the review process
- 206199. the report of the credentials committee
- 206104. as the preparatory committee
- 206108. by the optional protocol to
- 206112. replaced by the words
- 206116. some courts
- 206120. after the end of the session in
- 206124. joint programme with
- 206128. international cooperation programmes
- 206132. including the consideration of
- 206136. countries of south-eastern
- 206140. including the recommendations
- 206144. alternatives to detention
- 206148. concerning violations
- 206152. favourably
- 206156. concerning the organization
- 206160. fell within
- 206164. of undermining
- 206168. interpreting the uncitral model law
- 206172. the application of the principle of
- 206176. formulated by a state
- 206180. implementing the platform for
- 206184. of implementation of commitments
- 206188. believes that the
- 206192. enhancing international cooperation towards a
- 206196. enhance the capacity of the
- 206200. interim report on