The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (785901-786000)
- 278701. with other organizations such as
- 278705. with who and unicef
- 278709. with the scope of the
- 278713. with that view
- 278717. with ministers of
- 278721. their knowledge and best
- 278725. risk treatment
- 278729. information for delegations
- 278733. an update on the situation
- 278737. information that would
- 278741. information known to them by reason
- 278745. inter-american institute for cooperation
- 278749. materiality standard under
- 278753. rate of malnutrition
- 278757. utilization rates of
- 278761. rates of implementation
- 278765. are vulnerable to vandalism
- 278769. responsible for all the
- 278773. responsibilities of governments
- 278777. responsibility to respect
- 278781. liability of the shipper
- 278785. responsible for the implementation of the recommendation
- 278789. a special responsibility for the
- 278793. helping african countries to
- 278797. of victim assistance in
- 278702. with non-governmental organizations without
- 278706. with the international labour organization and the
- 278710. with his counterparts
- 278714. with these mechanisms
- 278718. with links
- 278722. non-punishment
- 278726. address certain
- 278730. specific information on action plans and other
- 278734. of detailed information on
- 278738. summary information on the
- 278742. information known to them by reason of
- 278746. judicial training institute
- 278750. conviction rate
- 278754. the literacy rate
- 278758. their respective rates of contribution
- 278762. rates of reimbursement to the governments
- 278766. are vulnerable to vandalism or destruction
- 278770. is responsible for the implementation of programme
- 278774. oversight responsibilities
- 278778. government's responsibility
- 278782. the corporate responsibility to
- 278786. responsibility of providing
- 278790. responsible for the payment of any
- 278794. assisting developing countries in mobilizing additional resources
- 278798. assist the panel
- 278703. with the world customs organization and
- 278707. with mongolia in implementing
- 278711. with the growth of
- 278715. with treaty bodies and special procedures
- 278719. together to ensure that
- 278723. a dependant
- 278727. full information about
- 278731. specific information from
- 278735. detailed information regarding the
- 278739. the disarmament information
- 278743. the meaning of paragraph
- 278747. institute of advanced studies
- 278751. vacancy rate at
- 278755. the mortality rate among
- 278759. the reimbursement rates
- 278763. the rates of reimbursement to the governments
- 278767. the questions of admissibility
- 278771. are accountable
- 278775. responsibilities of the director-general
- 278779. responsibility of states in
- 278783. the responsibility of the organization
- 278787. a firm liability
- 278791. responsibility for controlling the circulation
- 278795. help developing countries in
- 278799. assist the committee in monitoring implementation of
- 278704. with rotary international
- 278708. with the object and purpose of the
- 278712. with the present report
- 278716. with the ministry of the environment
- 278720. its opposition to the
- 278724. tackling the root causes of
- 278728. information to enable the council to determine
- 278732. specific and sufficient information
- 278736. detailed information in this
- 278740. information known to them
- 278744. pan american institute of
- 278748. institute of development studies
- 278752. customer satisfaction rate
- 278756. imr
- 278760. of vacancy rates in
- 278764. negative growth rates
- 278768. is responsible for the management
- 278772. officials of the ministry of
- 278776. the responsibilities of all
- 278780. responsibility of a state for
- 278784. is responsible for the implementation of the
- 278788. responsibility of the government of the
- 278792. of helping countries
- 278796. assisting developing states
- 278800. assisting the council in