The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (946601-946700)
- 123401. mandatory and voluntary
- 123405. humanitarian supplies and spare parts
- 123409. the national department
- 123413. management of the united nations office
- 123417. the revised administrative
- 123421. convictions and sentences
- 123425. of humiliation
- 123429. the guidance to
- 123433. of palestinian terrorism launched in
- 123437. coordinates listed
- 123441. key statistics
- 123445. statistics provided in
- 123449. the notification except
- 123453. of the notification in
- 123457. of the notification in a register maintained
- 123461. notification and movement documents
- 123465. three departments to develop
- 123469. government administration and home affairs
- 123473. the sound management of chemicals in
- 123477. the effective management of rations means
- 123481. counter-terrorism and nuclear safety
- 123485. terrorism should not
- 123489. total elimination of such weapons
- 123493. second islamic
- 123497. reference to the concept
- 123402. universal abolition of
- 123406. sustainable land management and
- 123410. national nuclear security administration
- 123414. permanent administrative
- 123418. the administrative and investment
- 123422. conviction or sentence
- 123426. political will to do so
- 123430. and suppress international terrorism
- 123434. medical abortion
- 123438. coordinates and illustrative chart of the
- 123442. official statistics at
- 123446. replacement is necessary
- 123450. amended notification
- 123454. the notification in a register
- 123458. notification has
- 123462. notifications that
- 123466. client departments
- 123470. of international chemicals management
- 123474. the sound management of chemicals into
- 123478. of results-based management in the secretariat
- 123482. and combat terrorism and
- 123486. terrorists from obtaining
- 123490. expediting the continued
- 123494. references in the
- 123498. clearly indicated
- 123403. full electronic
- 123407. sustainable forest management is
- 123411. administration of the state party
- 123415. key managerial
- 123419. of administrative and logistics
- 123423. reintegration to
- 123427. the political will and flexibility
- 123431. of palestinian terror
- 123435. abortion in all
- 123439. of basic economic statistics
- 123443. judicial statistics
- 123447. notification and
- 123451. notification of prospecting
- 123455. of the notification in a register
- 123459. the notification has
- 123463. notifications submitted
- 123467. the administration before the
- 123471. the presidential administration
- 123475. is effectively managed
- 123479. terrorism through the
- 123483. and combat terrorism and to
- 123487. total elimination of weapons of mass destruction
- 123491. expediting the continued issuance
- 123495. noted that the costs are estimated
- 123499. reference in draft article
- 123404. of the united arab emirates to
- 123408. national department of
- 123412. the department at headquarters
- 123416. essential administrative
- 123420. administrative and audit costs
- 123424. european broadcasting
- 123428. mentorship
- 123432. of palestinian terrorism launched
- 123436. of geographical coordinates with the secretary-general on
- 123440. current statistics
- 123444. statistics regarding
- 123448. notification except
- 123452. the notification in
- 123456. the notification in a register maintained
- 123460. the notification has been so recorded
- 123464. notifications and requests
- 123468. the administration before the united nations
- 123472. sound chemicals management and
- 123476. the effective management of rations
- 123480. terrorism and preserve national security
- 123484. terrorism and prevent
- 123488. total elimination of such
- 123492. and principles of islam
- 123496. a clear indication in the subject line
- 123500. judicial supervision of