The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (191501-191600)
- 191501. and remained
- 191505. year's end
- 191509. especially with regard to its trafficking
- 191513. outside new york
- 191517. for the preparation of the information
- 191521. in their own country
- 191525. who seek to
- 191529. established by the secretary-general pursuant to
- 191533. the poor and vulnerable
- 191537. constraints and
- 191541. underground water
- 191545. a cabin
- 191549. nations flag
- 191553. the assistant secretary-general for peacekeeping operations on
- 191557. of human lives
- 191561. united nations involvement in
- 191565. ideas contained
- 191569. trivial
- 191573. that united nations visiting missions
- 191577. nations civilian
- 191581. draft resolution recommended by the first committee
- 191585. mandate of the united nations mission for
- 191589. near east
- 191593. do not belong
- 191597. institutional and administrative
- 191502. protection of all human rights
- 191506. a small percentage
- 191510. and taken
- 191514. all forces
- 191518. illicit firearms
- 191522. on financial institutions
- 191526. shura
- 191530. of tradition
- 191534. reading and
- 191538. of equal remuneration
- 191542. financial resources in
- 191546. horton
- 191550. united nations flag
- 191554. the multilateral working
- 191558. safe return of
- 191562. of votes in
- 191566. sample of
- 191570. especially after
- 191574. and humanitarian activities
- 191578. after day
- 191582. with regret the
- 191586. a real problem
- 191590. frey
- 191594. in the activities of unctad
- 191598. the under-secretary-general in
- 191503. the ministry of public works
- 191507. in order to accelerate
- 191511. a new director
- 191515. to the survival
- 191519. in the world in
- 191523. for food
- 191527. mongolia's international security and nuclear-weapon-free
- 191531. the former government
- 191535. of real estate
- 191539. promoted by
- 191543. in the toilet
- 191547. be put
- 191551. united nations activities in the field
- 191555. dunes
- 191559. specialized agencies of the united nations system
- 191563. from executive direction and management
- 191567. report of the secretary-general of unctad
- 191571. every day in
- 191575. to assassinate
- 191579. international humanitarian agencies
- 191583. of the memorandum by the secretary-general
- 191587. review of the statute of the
- 191591. vu
- 191595. bitterness
- 191599. of the legislative elections
- 191504. the ministry of justice and public security
- 191508. and port
- 191512. south african government
- 191516. three months before
- 191520. with regard to its trafficking
- 191524. goods from
- 191528. of children in the state
- 191532. the sums
- 191536. corruption and impunity
- 191540. field office in
- 191544. before she died
- 191548. on the brink of
- 191552. sharp decline
- 191556. agreed framework
- 191560. one that
- 191564. administrative and programme support
- 191568. energy of
- 191572. legal agreements
- 191576. under colonial or alien domination
- 191580. resolution recommended by the first committee
- 191584. lozano
- 191588. foreign competition
- 191592. christi
- 191596. completely different
- 191600. children as soldiers