The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (386801-386900)
- 386801. to natural persons
- 386805. the human rights situation in east timor
- 386809. activities undertaken under
- 386813. the continuing needs of
- 386817. the legal department
- 386821. the agreement or
- 386825. eight member
- 386829. the appropriate mechanisms
- 386833. continued israeli military
- 386837. efforts and activities
- 386841. assistance and relief
- 386845. the minimum amount
- 386849. a general exchange of views
- 386853. heroin from
- 386857. that network
- 386861. in his hands
- 386865. l and
- 386869. the fact that we
- 386873. him any
- 386877. the grenade
- 386881. the administering powers to take
- 386885. potential use
- 386889. root causes of migration
- 386893. official contacts
- 386897. out of preventive or enforcement measures
- 386802. job offers
- 386806. gillette
- 386810. arab territory
- 386814. optimize the use
- 386818. income and expenditure for the biennium
- 386822. production in the
- 386826. sharp drop
- 386830. needs of the united nations
- 386834. the first international peace
- 386838. second report of the secretary-general on
- 386842. the relationship between the united nations and
- 386846. intersect
- 386850. bubu
- 386854. the regional organization
- 386858. in cooperation with regional organizations
- 386862. killick
- 386866. in a nutshell
- 386870. assi
- 386874. transformer
- 386878. politics in
- 386882. peoples under foreign occupation
- 386886. assault on
- 386890. importing members
- 386894. meetings of united nations bodies
- 386898. of unctad's technical
- 386803. in an ambush
- 386807. a great loss
- 386811. carry out its activities
- 386815. of food supplies
- 386819. the world federation of united nations associations
- 386823. united nations transition assistance
- 386827. general obligation to
- 386831. of a multilateral agreement
- 386835. one of the main priorities
- 386839. regional cooperation and integration in
- 386843. decentralizing
- 386847. flows of foreign direct investment
- 386851. nations standard
- 386855. of regional and international organizations
- 386859. unctad and unep
- 386863. nikos
- 386867. tombs
- 386871. another ship
- 386875. to erase
- 386879. first biennium
- 386883. of the mediterranean sea against pollution
- 386887. turkish cypriot security
- 386891. the political declaration and
- 386895. for all time
- 386899. native americans
- 386804. in the islamic republic of
- 386808. highest priorities
- 386812. the different needs of
- 386816. of radio and television
- 386820. arab federation
- 386824. members and alternates
- 386828. to this point
- 386832. the russian embassy
- 386836. department of political affairs of the secretariat
- 386840. the european council in
- 386844. latin america and europe
- 386848. his visa
- 386852. audio files
- 386856. humanitarian and development agencies
- 386860. another bomb
- 386864. woman and
- 386868. psychosis
- 386872. seton
- 386876. and lies
- 386880. the enacting state relating to insolvency
- 386884. commitments undertaken in
- 386888. important objective of
- 386892. trends which
- 386896. preparation for the conference of the parties
- 386900. bismarck