The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (559501-559600)
- 52301. of unfpa to
- 52305. current version of
- 52309. of safeguards in connection
- 52313. nato fighter aircraft
- 52317. the comprehensive nature of
- 52321. transnational nature of
- 52325. of nuclear energy from
- 52329. indicative calendar
- 52333. marriage where
- 52337. visits between
- 52341. seventh inter-committee meeting
- 52345. 's prior
- 52349. the council's previous
- 52353. sixth world trade organization
- 52357. the main cause of the
- 52361. spokespersons of groups of delegations
- 52365. of monitoring and assessment
- 52369. expatriate nationals
- 52373. urgent medical care
- 52377. the economic well-being of
- 52381. of financial records
- 52385. of prisoners to
- 52389. of confidentiality in
- 52393. the other oversight
- 52397. institutional links
- 52302. of unifem in
- 52306. possible victims
- 52310. has highlighted the
- 52314. aircraft was
- 52318. the cross-cutting nature of
- 52322. of the expelling
- 52326. agriculture and health
- 52330. tentative timetable
- 52334. marriage with
- 52338. the joint field visit to
- 52342. vii to the present
- 52346. previous multilateral
- 52350. macedonia and albania
- 52354. vi of that
- 52358. sole reason
- 52362. of operation cast lead
- 52366. current balance
- 52370. adequate health-care
- 52374. free care
- 52378. liscr
- 52382. appropriate registries
- 52386. secret prisons
- 52390. fast-changing
- 52394. personal digital
- 52398. linkages and synergies with
- 52303. rockets against
- 52307. individual guarantees
- 52311. controls and the
- 52315. helicopter took
- 52319. the uniqueness
- 52323. domestic energy
- 52327. agricultural and commercial
- 52331. the temporal
- 52335. husband or wife
- 52339. the question on the
- 52343. reconvened fifty-seventh
- 52347. of previous multilateral
- 52351. former and current
- 52355. commissioner to
- 52359. spokespersons
- 52363. available monitoring
- 52367. carry-over balance
- 52371. preventive health-care
- 52375. of care and support
- 52379. the civil register
- 52383. prisoners whose
- 52387. slave labour
- 52391. the fifth high-level
- 52395. the environmental pillar
- 52399. sport for all
- 52304. worded
- 52308. safeguards in connection
- 52312. internal controls and procedures
- 52316. the confidential nature of
- 52320. hybrid nature of
- 52324. indigenous energy
- 52328. devastating earthquake
- 52332. civil marriages
- 52336. spouses or
- 52340. liquid or
- 52344. of the state party's previous
- 52348. occasion of previous multilateral
- 52352. the world scene
- 52356. commissioner for human rights on the strengthening
- 52360. spokespersons of
- 52364. systematic monitoring of
- 52368. available cash balance
- 52372. tele-health
- 52376. terror among
- 52380. financial records of
- 52384. prisoners held
- 52388. carcinogenicity
- 52392. upcoming high-level
- 52396. renk
- 52400. rural and mountainous