The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (385701-385800)
- 385701. the chickens
- 385705. from a distance of
- 385709. for comparison
- 385713. the post-war
- 385717. itself at
- 385721. with the human rights mechanisms
- 385725. suspicious circumstances
- 385729. turkmenistan to the united nations
- 385733. for children affected by
- 385737. farm workers
- 385741. in the food sector
- 385745. former governor
- 385749. strict enforcement
- 385753. the activities relating to his mandate
- 385757. declaration and the plan of action
- 385761. urban households
- 385765. of goods and people
- 385769. the relevant international and regional
- 385773. memorials
- 385777. the preliminary draft of the
- 385781. the african information
- 385785. about climate change
- 385789. those arms
- 385793. we listen
- 385797. fifties
- 385702. to the difficulty of
- 385706. of staff of the secretariat
- 385710. not only by
- 385714. and the reporting
- 385718. non-removal
- 385722. certain nuclear-weapon
- 385726. a number of tools
- 385730. there were more than
- 385734. her response
- 385738. on relevant activities
- 385742. in the office of the assistant secretary-general
- 385746. security situation and
- 385750. the trends in
- 385754. the secretary-general of the efforts
- 385758. roles between
- 385762. minorities and other
- 385766. policies and procedures regarding
- 385770. mine action activities
- 385774. other government agencies
- 385778. other participants in
- 385782. of the latin american economic
- 385786. on arms exports
- 385790. fluctuating
- 385794. her sister's
- 385798. sordid
- 385703. and meaning
- 385707. of our history
- 385711. to prevent him from
- 385715. and dry
- 385719. strong mandate
- 385723. on the earth
- 385727. have revealed
- 385731. all children from
- 385735. role of the media in
- 385739. into consideration that
- 385743. the united nations system to provide
- 385747. the current round of
- 385751. strategic security
- 385755. assessed contributions receivable from
- 385759. the persons referred to
- 385763. of the provisions of security council resolution
- 385767. political arena
- 385771. use of performance indicators
- 385775. the malaria
- 385779. hijacked
- 385783. actuarial value of assets
- 385787. new report
- 385791. ghost town
- 385795. urges all parties concerned
- 385799. last hour
- 385704. keep up with the
- 385708. of the latin american economic system
- 385712. are united
- 385716. and the persian gulf
- 385720. but it is clear
- 385724. ashour
- 385728. each round
- 385732. all actions concerning
- 385736. the space of
- 385740. in public administration and
- 385744. meritocracy
- 385748. the meeting is
- 385752. funds allocated for
- 385756. the proper management of
- 385760. items from
- 385764. first five years of
- 385768. the international human rights instruments to
- 385772. excellent performance
- 385776. albanian society
- 385780. bilateral official development assistance
- 385784. last quarter of
- 385788. revised income estimates
- 385792. and i think we
- 385796. the muscles
- 385800. contractions