The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (787901-788000)
- 280701. and statistical analysis
- 280705. and financial planning
- 280709. he regretted
- 280713. another delegation expressed the
- 280717. and expressed concern about
- 280721. and members of the diplomatic corps
- 280725. and declared that
- 280729. thailand reported
- 280733. chile reported
- 280737. colombia reported
- 280741. best practices and other
- 280745. he assured delegations
- 280749. and stock exchanges
- 280753. the delegation pointed out that
- 280757. the chair noted that
- 280761. some states noted
- 280765. the council also took note
- 280769. the mission took note
- 280773. note was taken of
- 280777. was made by the representative of pakistan
- 280781. and tools to evaluate
- 280785. and united nations human rights mechanisms
- 280789. and underscored
- 280793. and the impact of such
- 280797. conducted a study
- 280702. and comparative analysis
- 280706. mitigating and
- 280710. his delegation was convinced
- 280714. states parties expressed
- 280718. they expressed their support for
- 280722. whom i
- 280726. i avail myself of this opportunity
- 280730. turkey reported
- 280734. tajikistan reported
- 280738. and adult members of their families
- 280742. the government acknowledged
- 280746. it emphasized that
- 280750. indonesia commended
- 280754. azerbaijan noted that
- 280758. the committee pointed out that
- 280762. some delegations pointed out that
- 280766. the board also took note of
- 280770. the mission took note of
- 280774. council members condemned the
- 280778. the representative of benin made a statement
- 280782. and employers'
- 280786. and effective mechanisms
- 280790. were also reported
- 280794. and in-service
- 280798. the risk evaluation had been performed
- 280703. and analyses on
- 280707. view was also expressed that the
- 280711. concern was expressed at the
- 280715. belgium expressed
- 280719. and members of diplomatic missions
- 280723. i give him the floor
- 280727. norway reported
- 280731. the republic of korea reported
- 280735. several states indicated
- 280739. and members of groups to establish
- 280743. and most indebted
- 280747. and the basis for
- 280751. he also noted the
- 280755. germany referred to
- 280759. the court referred to
- 280763. the group took
- 280767. the council also took note of
- 280771. forwarded the
- 280775. the chairman made a statement at that
- 280779. and lowest
- 280783. one on behalf of the umbrella group
- 280787. and its subsidiary mechanisms
- 280791. and informed the committee that
- 280795. slovakia commended
- 280799. has been carried out
- 280704. and shift
- 280708. group expressed
- 280712. he expressed the view that
- 280716. it expressed concerns
- 280720. and members of the chambers
- 280724. whom i give the floor
- 280728. japan reported
- 280732. state reported
- 280736. cuba reported
- 280740. and best practices in the area
- 280744. he assured the board that
- 280748. the reasons for such
- 280752. the ministers recalled
- 280756. the administration indicated
- 280760. the representative referred
- 280764. the board also took note
- 280768. the participants took
- 280772. and i urge the
- 280776. the representative of norway made a statement
- 280780. and management tools
- 280784. and asia in
- 280788. and the cdm
- 280792. unops informed the board that
- 280796. a number of delegations commended
- 280800. the audit was conducted primarily to enable