The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (197801-197900)
- 197801. wat
- 197805. in the meeting of states parties
- 197809. to promote the objectives envisaged in
- 197813. private military
- 197817. for nine months
- 197821. of the commodity sector
- 197825. of ice
- 197829. cordial
- 197833. the inflation rate
- 197837. other proposed
- 197841. other relevant resolutions and decisions
- 197845. to equal remuneration
- 197849. with the united nations institute for training
- 197853. to reform the united nations
- 197857. women in other areas
- 197861. african countries have
- 197865. join the consensus
- 197869. with relevant united nations agencies
- 197873. arms ammunition
- 197877. who come
- 197881. this opportunity to welcome
- 197885. the secretary-general informed the council
- 197889. with her in
- 197893. emil
- 197897. especially the least developed countries
- 197802. member states and the united nations
- 197806. sapporo
- 197810. readership
- 197814. a clause
- 197818. the reserves
- 197822. for a second time
- 197826. official development assistance to
- 197830. this tribunal
- 197834. the secretary-general did not
- 197838. of member states set out in
- 197842. prize for
- 197846. subregional and national
- 197850. washington dc
- 197854. for compliance
- 197858. contribute towards such an operation
- 197862. for security and development
- 197866. social and psychological
- 197870. of this country
- 197874. another six months
- 197878. jordan and lebanon
- 197882. the generalized system of preferences
- 197886. for the president
- 197890. modernity
- 197894. to the commission on human rights in
- 197898. we try to
- 197803. integrated water resource management
- 197807. would give
- 197811. of islamic conference
- 197815. roll-call vote of
- 197819. of persons from
- 197823. for the protection of persons
- 197827. of this magnitude
- 197831. particularly regarding
- 197835. for primary
- 197839. international union for
- 197843. fuel rods
- 197847. but even if
- 197851. a number of mechanisms
- 197855. main instrument
- 197859. nations system-wide coordination
- 197863. united nations concerning the
- 197867. of traffic in women and exploitation of
- 197871. the provisional agenda for each session
- 197875. his preliminary report
- 197879. 's indigenous people
- 197883. raided
- 197887. capital controls
- 197891. of the indigenous population
- 197895. the mediterranean area
- 197899. secretaries of the
- 197804. with the force
- 197808. to promote the objectives envisaged
- 197812. media relations
- 197816. and the high commissioner for human rights
- 197820. one individual
- 197824. as a child
- 197828. portray
- 197832. very successful
- 197836. current provisions
- 197840. humanitarian and social
- 197844. in overseeing the
- 197848. ministry of public works
- 197852. to family planning services
- 197856. the time when
- 197860. home countries
- 197864. integration into the global economy
- 197868. other partners in
- 197872. for enforcing
- 197876. female education
- 197880. in cooperation with the secretary-general
- 197884. conflicting parties
- 197888. in the bank
- 197892. secretary-general in his report
- 197896. in a year
- 197900. well in