The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (209501-209600)
- 209501. protection coordination
- 209505. our comments
- 209509. international assistance for the
- 209513. the report of the committee of
- 209517. decides to keep under review
- 209521. the report of working group
- 209525. capacity-building under the convention
- 209529. at the request of states
- 209533. ranking of
- 209537. between public
- 209541. between the transitional federal government
- 209545. between the interests of the
- 209549. in proportion to
- 209553. views the
- 209557. leakage of
- 209561. an independent investigation
- 209565. reaffirms also that
- 209569. the date of loss
- 209573. a moratorium
- 209577. the attention of delegations
- 209581. an independent electoral
- 209585. violation of the rights of
- 209589. national ownership and
- 209593. s concluding observations
- 209597. of non-international armed conflicts
- 209502. previously reported
- 209506. climate change and the kyoto protocol
- 209510. making voluntary contributions
- 209514. report of the industrial development board
- 209518. report of the friends of the chair
- 209522. with this item
- 209526. capacity-building in the area
- 209530. at the request of the prosecutor
- 209534. of temporary special measures aimed at
- 209538. as unliquidated obligations
- 209542. between the government and the opposition
- 209546. a white and blue
- 209550. were consistent
- 209554. considers it
- 209558. nine cases
- 209562. of improving the quality
- 209566. reaffirms the role of the
- 209570. exchange of information and experiences
- 209574. the new mandate
- 209578. elected to
- 209582. japan and the republic of korea
- 209586. national offices
- 209590. contaminated with mercury
- 209594. border areas of
- 209598. disputes arising
- 209503. gender-mainstreaming
- 209507. important changes
- 209511. making recommendations on
- 209515. report by the director-general on
- 209519. the overview report
- 209523. under a contract
- 209527. statement delivered by the representative of
- 209531. storage and
- 209535. precautionary measures
- 209539. between countries in
- 209543. of spousal
- 209547. between the use of
- 209551. renewal of the mandate
- 209555. permit such
- 209559. further recognizes
- 209563. immunized
- 209567. mission e-mail
- 209571. the assembly will now take action on
- 209575. of specialized agencies or
- 209579. a given election
- 209583. unicef to continue
- 209587. the sub-office
- 209591. traditional practice
- 209595. urban area
- 209599. former special representative
- 209504. circulating this letter as
- 209508. servicing of the
- 209512. supplementary report of
- 209516. report report and recommendations made by the
- 209520. the working group report
- 209524. by virtue of council resolution
- 209528. additional items
- 209532. risk mitigation
- 209536. comprehensive training
- 209540. between biodiversity
- 209544. between paragraphs
- 209548. compilation of comments by
- 209552. expects to
- 209556. lasting settlement
- 209560. the politicization of
- 209564. achieved through
- 209568. the date of the financial statement
- 209572. the facts before it disclose
- 209576. the executing agency
- 209580. free and fair elections in
- 209584. iraq's compliance with
- 209588. audiovisual library
- 209592. due on
- 209596. competition and
- 209600. permanent representative of ghana