The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (737001-737100)
- 229801. such as draft resolutions
- 229805. further examples
- 229809. is critical for the eradication of
- 229813. an interim order
- 229817. a south american
- 229821. will be open to
- 229825. the ethics of
- 229829. country performance
- 229833. functioning of the commission on science
- 229837. the performance of her tasks
- 229841. the performance of its
- 229845. a vital instrument
- 229849. adawa
- 229853. has been incorporated
- 229857. listening devices
- 229861. transmitted to the president of
- 229865. one of the key
- 229869. a factor that
- 229873. eleven inspectors
- 229877. events of the past year
- 229881. latest information available to the
- 229885. provisions of the geneva conventions
- 229889. of sentences of imprisonment
- 229893. the provisions of article iv
- 229897. order to enable them
- 229802. represent my country
- 229806. additional examples
- 229810. is critical for the eradication of poverty
- 229814. taken for granted
- 229818. latin american and african
- 229822. open to parties
- 229826. has failed in
- 229830. performance of developing countries
- 229834. functioning of the regional offices
- 229838. perform their tasks
- 229842. their environmental performance
- 229846. a monitoring tool
- 229850. led to the suspension
- 229854. the item was included
- 229858. new generations of nuclear weapons
- 229862. transmitted to the president of the
- 229866. one of the leading causes of
- 229870. one representative drew attention to
- 229874. a ranking member of
- 229878. most recent estimates
- 229882. progress made by the parties
- 229886. provisions of the convention that
- 229890. the provisions of chapter vii
- 229894. court judgements
- 229898. order to implement the provisions of
- 229803. illustrations of
- 229807. is essential for achieving
- 229811. quarantine order
- 229815. diseases of the respiratory system
- 229819. latin american and caribbean states and three
- 229823. will be open to parties
- 229827. would finally
- 229831. service performance
- 229835. play its role in
- 229839. the performance of his or her duties
- 229843. analytical tool
- 229847. an excellent tool
- 229851. led to the suspension of
- 229855. power organs
- 229859. the special committee noted with
- 229863. the secretariat forwarded to
- 229867. one suggestion
- 229871. other officer authorized by law to exercise
- 229875. one of the sources of
- 229879. latest technologies
- 229883. political opposition parties
- 229887. the provisions of the convention in the
- 229891. the terms of the resolution
- 229895. provisions of treaties
- 229899. order to sensitize
- 229804. provided examples
- 229808. is critical for the eradication
- 229812. was indispensable for the solution
- 229816. an order to
- 229820. of central america in
- 229824. ethics for
- 229828. achim
- 229832. the performance of military service
- 229836. perform its duties
- 229840. and monitoring of programme performance and evaluation
- 229844. a good tool
- 229848. a significant instrument
- 229852. which was included
- 229856. policymaking organs of
- 229860. the special committee noted with appreciation
- 229864. urge delegations
- 229868. one of the officers
- 229872. one of their parents
- 229876. one of its representatives
- 229880. state-of-the-art technology
- 229884. seatbelts
- 229888. of most-favoured-nation clauses
- 229892. provisions of article iv
- 229896. specific provisions for
- 229900. a view to providing