The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (438201-438300)
- 438201. a doctor in
- 438205. five days ago
- 438209. of academics
- 438213. the secretary-general's proposals on
- 438217. and administrative decisions
- 438221. one of the oldest
- 438225. human rights monitors to
- 438229. to continue to develop the territory
- 438233. for the international trade centre unctad
- 438237. boron
- 438241. war in afghanistan
- 438245. reserve at
- 438249. relief and reconstruction
- 438253. of fertilizer
- 438257. grave violations of human rights and
- 438261. the activities funded
- 438265. this machinery
- 438269. home ownership
- 438273. loy
- 438277. at the united nations and in
- 438281. inevitability of
- 438285. and at the united nations office
- 438289. scope of activities
- 438293. it was not enough
- 438297. are grateful to the secretary-general
- 438202. do not stop
- 438206. we hoped
- 438210. from the united nations to
- 438214. my office in
- 438218. of the multilateral disarmament
- 438222. areas of early warning
- 438226. should now be
- 438230. security council or the
- 438234. and smoking
- 438238. cleaner and sustainable industrial development
- 438242. states members of the commission on
- 438246. jurisdiction between
- 438250. written questions
- 438254. dac member
- 438258. the model status-of-forces agreement
- 438262. of relevant activities
- 438266. the united nations information system
- 438270. the private sector and individuals
- 438274. its latest session
- 438278. in operational activities for development
- 438282. man and the environment
- 438286. and make the
- 438290. the confiscation of land
- 438294. by the secretary-general on the
- 438298. with the basic principles of
- 438203. a moving
- 438207. especially in the light of the
- 438211. of the draft united nations declaration on
- 438215. and professors
- 438219. these provisions in
- 438223. the united nations basic principles on
- 438227. it would be premature
- 438231. their home communities
- 438235. and pigs
- 438239. of automation
- 438243. postal service
- 438247. benefit from these
- 438251. of land or
- 438255. the united nations and ipu
- 438259. secretary-general to review
- 438263. the secretary-general in his report entitled
- 438267. having considered the note by the secretary-general
- 438271. since the collapse of
- 438275. from markets
- 438279. in technical meetings
- 438283. the security council consisting of all
- 438287. we repeat
- 438291. in particular the developing countries
- 438295. united nations organizations and bodies
- 438299. explorers
- 438204. to bring in
- 438208. of the united nations system working in
- 438212. observation that
- 438216. and mice
- 438220. a single point
- 438224. envoy of the secretary-general
- 438228. human rights organizations and
- 438232. their regional groups
- 438236. and concerned parties
- 438240. one of the priority areas
- 438244. economic needs of
- 438248. historic declaration
- 438252. argentina had
- 438256. geographical spread
- 438260. multilateral activities
- 438264. quality of basic education
- 438268. financial management information
- 438272. administration institutions
- 438276. in the first three months
- 438280. the united nations which are
- 438284. different regional groups
- 438288. a united nations body
- 438292. particularly paragraph
- 438296. regional fisheries organizations
- 438300. and regional cooperation in